Fin Keel or Shoal Keel - SailNet Community
Nov 4, 2002 · The standard draft for the Dufour Classic 38 is 6''2". The shoal draft is 4''9". The shoal uses a bulb along with about an extra 900 lbs of lead compared to the deep keel. And yep, "shoal keel" is a matter of definition. As Duane explains, one boat''s shoal keel can still be too deep for his new digs in Florida.
Shoal Draft vs. Deep Keel - SailNet Community
Oct 16, 2007 · My "shoal" draft HR40 draws 11" less than the standard keel. I'd be surprised if the shoal draft HR53 doesn't provide a similar reduction. Talk to HR -- if you really feel strongly about reducing draft, perhaps you can get a factory shoal keel …
shoal draft keel vs regular keel | SailNet Community
Apr 24, 2012 · Some boat builders, hunter for example, offered models that are identical except one has a shoal draft (non centerboard) fin keel and the other has a regular fin keel. My own hunter 25for has a shoal draft keel, with about a 50%page ballast to displacement ratio. Draft is actually less than 2.5'...
Shoal draft keel versus regular fin keel | SailNet Community
Aug 6, 2007 · The "shoal" version is actually a fin but is a bit longer and about 1 foot shallower. It does not give up a lot on performance to the other C&Cs. In my mind this shoal version is a winner. Other examples are a 1990 MacGregor 26 - not …
Judge this Keel - Moody 42 Shoal draft | SailNet Community
Feb 13, 2018 · For cruising boats, I'm a big advocate of the shoal keel. It's just a better all-round solution I think if your going long-range. Our 5' draft opened up MANY more opportunities for us than a deeper draft would (marinas, boat yards, channels, etc.). Yet, our …
Shoal keel vs. Deep keel re Self-righting ability
Oct 3, 2017 · Deeper keel lets you use less ballast weight to achieve the same righting moment as the heavier shoal-draft keel. Note that the NA has to spec out the lateral plane and profile to try to keep the windward sailing ability reasonable for the shoal keel. It's unlikely to be quite as good, but it may come close.
CS36T - Deep vs Shoal Keel Questions From Potential Buyer
Feb 22, 2014 · We have the shoal draft and she sails beautifully. Will also out point our old Catalina 36 which had the deep fin.. Unlike some shoal draft boats she's still pretty deep for a shoal draft.. I would not get hung up over the keel just pick the best condition one you can find...
Shoal Keel in Puget Sound - SailNet Community
Mar 6, 2013 · A shoal keel gives you a little extra safety at low tide, but with a full size keel you could wait about an hour for the tide to lift and get the same benefit. Fisherman's Bay is a very nice place to spend an hour. I quickly scanned yachtworld and don't see any local Bene 37's for sale that have shoal keels.
Shoal draft for bluewater? - SailNet Community
Sep 5, 2017 · It's easy to generalize, but each design is different. My Cal 33-2 is the shoal keel version (4'8" vs 6'2"). Not a wing, a longer fixed keel with a shape obviously designed to get weight down low. I had a conversation with the previous owner about its upwind performance , stability, etc. and he said he was very happy with it.
Full or Shoal Keel on New Oyster 575? | SailNet Community
Aug 3, 2013 · The C28 a shoal keel at 4' the T2's are ar 4.5, my Arcadia is 5.5'. WHen we have things going right, we can out point the T2's by 3-5*, the T2's out point the C28 by 3-5* also. Hence in this size boat, setups, why there is a 20 some odd sec spread in the boat ratings.