Can you slaughter and eat a sick pig | Homesteading Forum
Oct 16, 2006 · I would have a vet check the sick pig and diagnose its illness. It could only be something that a course of antibiotics can take care of, then just wait out the withdrawal period before slaughter. If it is something more sinister that involves the spinal fluid or something like that, you definitely don't want to eat it.
Natural Cure for a Sick Pig - Homesteading Forum
Sep 24, 2013 · We did a little looking in our pig books and discovered pigs can get really sick and be lethargic for a few days, then fully recover. Then again they can never recover. So we called a vet. The vet didn't want to come to the farm; he just wanted her symptoms: lethargic, won't eat or drink, unsociable, hot to the touch.
Non-Thriving Pig...Sick...Need some advice... - Homesteading Forum
Aug 23, 2023 · Horses (Racing) were on the property in decent numbers for about 30 years (1960-1990s) in this current pig housing area. We have had pretty much everything (Sheep, Pig, Steers, Ducks, Chickens, Rabbits, and Turkeys) The pig side of the barn has been a pig area by us for 8 years and the previous owner had pigs in the same area for 3 years prior.
Eating Sick or Injured pigs - Homesteading Forum
Nov 25, 2014 · Many 'sick or injured' are still perfectly good meat. An example is a hernia. A herniating pig is not a good pig to raise but it is fine meat. Another example is a broken leg. A broken leg may eliminate the animal from the gene pool but it is still fine meat. There are some diseases that should eliminate the animal from the food chain.
Sick pig - Homesteading Forum
Feb 12, 2022 · Sick pig Jump to Latest Follow 989 views 5 replies 4 participants last post by 3H Homestead Mar 12, 2022
sick pig - Homesteading Forum
Mar 21, 2016 · sick pig Jump to Latest 2K views 8 replies 5 participants last post by bigwhiskey Mar 21, 2016
sick pig - Homesteading Forum
Dec 5, 2012 · sick pig. Jump to Latest Follow 1 - 4 of 4 Posts. B. bigmudder77 · Registered. Joined Jun 9, 2008 · 729 ...
How to give injections to 100lb pig without a chute
Nov 20, 2014 · I have a young feeder pig that needed injections - I'm not a fan of meds, but it was meds or dead pig, I didn't think it was quite big enough to eat and I wasn't 100 % sure of the illness. So first two days pig was too sick to fight, but into day 2 it was clear it was pneumonia - not uncommon here due to the damp cold, and we had a very damp ...
Another sick pig. - Homesteading Forum
Aug 3, 2014 · Have another pig that's starting to show some of the signs that the one that died showed. Hunched back, back legs don't appear to be working as well and just a general lack of energy. Tried the pig site diagnostics but didn't come up with anything.
Help diagnosing sick pig...stiff & hard to stand
Jan 31, 2019 · I have a gilt (8 mo old) that came down with a bad bout of roundworm. I ended up dosing her with agri-mectin in mid-December. Around that time, she had also begun coming out of the pen less and just generally having a more difficult time walking, and also began losing weight. I chalked it up to...