Sikhism | History, Doctrines, Practice, & Literature | Britannica
Mar 7, 2025 · Sikhism is a religion and philosophy founded in the Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent in the late 15th century. Its members are known as Sikhs. According to Sikh tradition, Sikhism was established by Guru Nanak (1469–1539) and subsequently led by a succession of nine other Gurus.
Sikhism - Wikipedia
It is one of the most recently founded major religions and among the largest in the world with about 25–30 million adherents, known as Sikhs. Sikhism developed from the spiritual teachings of Guru Nanak (1469–1539), the faith's first guru, and the nine Sikh gurus who succeeded him.
History of Sikhism - Wikipedia
Guru Nanak founded the Sikh religion in the Punjab region of the northern part of the Indian subcontinent in the 15th century and opposed many traditional practices like fasting, Upanayana, idolatry, caste system, ascetism, azan, economic materialism, and gender discrimination. [1]
Religions - Sikhism: Origins of Sikhism - BBC
Sep 30, 2009 · The Sikh faith began around 1500 CE, when Guru Nanak began teaching a faith that was quite distinct from Hinduism and Islam. Nine Gurus followed Nanak and developed the Sikh faith and...
Sikhism Wallpapers - Top Free Sikhism Backgrounds
Check out this fantastic collection of Sikhism wallpapers, with 50 Sikhism background images for your desktop, phone or tablet.
Brief history of Sikhism - SikhiWiki, free Sikh encyclopedia.
Mar 3, 2012 · Sikhism was founded in the early fifteenth century by their founder and spiritual teacher called Guru Nanak. He was firmly of the belief that all people were born equal and should have equal opportunities.
History of Sikhism - SikhiWiki, free Sikh encyclopedia.
Oct 3, 2008 · Sikhs are the disciples of their ten Gurus beginning with Guru Nanak (1469 - 1539) and ending with Guru Gobind Singh (1666 -1708) and their perpetual "living" Guru, the Guru Granth Sahib. There are over 23 million Sikhs in the world today, the vast majority live in the north Indian state of Punjab.
Exploring Various Aspects of Sikh History and Sikhism
Nov 9, 2024 · Strict Monotheism: Sikhism was founded on the belief in one, formless God (Ik Oankar), who is eternal and omnipresent. Guru Nanak strongly emphasized this belief in a single, universal God. Hinduism is predominantly polytheistic, worshiping multiple deities.
The Origins of Sikhism: A Brief History - wesikhs.com
Oct 5, 2024 · Sikhism has a long history of spiritual teachings, social reform, and unflinching courage while being one of the world’s youngest major religions. It was created during intense social and religious unrest on the Indian subcontinent, and its message is still very relevant today.
Sikhism | Sikh Council on Religion and Education USA
Also referred to as Sikhi, Sikhism is a monotheistic religion that was founded in the latter half of the 15th century CE by the Sikh Gurus in the greater Punjab region of the Indian subcontinent.