Sima Qian - Wikipedia
Sima Qian (English: / s ɪ. m ɑː tʃ j ɜː n / sih-mah CHYEN; c. 145 – c. 86 BC) was a Chinese historian during the early Han dynasty.
Sima Qian | Chinese Historian, Scientist & Father of Chinese ...
Sima Qian (born c. 145 bce, Longmen, Xiayang [now Hancheng, Shaanxi province], China—died c. 87 bce) was an astronomer, calendar expert, and the first great Chinese historian. He is most noted for his authorship of the Shiji (“Historical Records”), which is considered to be the most important history of China down to the end of the 2nd ...
Sima Qian - World History Encyclopedia
Jul 6, 2020 · Sima Qian (l. 145/135-86 BCE) was a court scribe, astrologer, and historian of the Han Dynasty (202 BCE - 220 CE) of ancient China, famous for his historical work Records of the Grand Historian for which he is remembered as the Father of Chinese History.
Ancient Historians: Sima Qian - ThoughtCo
Jan 13, 2020 · Born near Longmen ("Dragon Gate") on the Yellow River, around 145 B.C., during China's Han dynasty, Sima Qian (Ssu-ma Ch'ien) is "the father of Chinese history" (sometimes, historiography) -- like the late fifth century father of Greek history, Herodotus.
司马迁(前145或前135年—? ),字子长,中国西汉时期伟大的史学家、文学家、思想家。 [71] 继父司马谈之职任太史令 [69]。 左冯翊夏阳(今陕西韩城南)人。 著有《史记》《悲士不遇赋》 [68-70] 等。 少年时随父 司马谈 读书,并从 董仲舒 受学《春秋》,向 孔安国 问疑《尚书》。 二十岁出游,历经长江、湘江、沅江、淮水、泗水、黄河等流域,沿途考察名胜古迹,访问历史遗事,调查社会风俗。 后为郎中,曾随 汉武帝 出巡西北诸郡县。 元鼎六年 (前111),奉命出使西 …
Sima Qian: China's 'grand historian' - BBC
Oct 7, 2012 · In a nation obsessed by its history, Sima Qian was the first and some say the greatest historian. Wind back two millennia. It is 99 BC. On China's northern frontier, imperial forces have...
Sima Qian: Greatest Historian of China - World History Edu
Jul 25, 2024 · Sima Qian (c. 145–87 BC) was a Chinese historian, astronomer, and calendar expert, renowned for writing the Shiji (“Historical Records”), the foremost history of China up to the 2nd century. Image: A sketch of Qian.
Sima Qian - New World Encyclopedia
Sima Qian (c. 145 B.C.E. – 90 B.C.E.) was a prefect of the Grand Scribes of the Han dynasty. He is regarded as the father of Chinese historiography because of his highly praised work, Shiji ("History Record"), an overview of the history of China covering more than two thousand years from the Yellow Emperor to Emperor Han Wudi.
Sima Qian - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sima Qian (Chinese: 司马迁) was the historian of the Han Dynasty under Emperor Wu. He was born at Xia Yang (present-day Shan Xi Province, Han City) in either 145 or 135 BC. His father, Sima Tan, was also a historian. When Sima Qian was 10, he could read the articles which were written in Classical Chinese.
Sima Qian and His Historical Memoirs -Silk Road China Tours
After 18 years of strenuous work, Sima Qian eventually finished writing this world-famous classic of history. The Historical Memoirs, consisting of 130 essays and 520,000 words, is divided into five parts, namely, Chronicles, Tales, Documents, Biographies of the Nobility's, and Biographies of Different Dynasties.
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