Skaven Warlord - Warhammer Wiki
A Skaven Warlord is one of the ruthless and tyrannical rulers of the Skaven clans that define the society of the Under-Empire. They are large and powerfully built warriors that command the utmost respect through their sheer physical prowess, ruthless tyranny, and inhumane cruelty.
Clawlord - Warhammer
In battle these brutal, backstabbing commanders will do anything for victory, leading from the back, a nice safe place where he can watch the flow of battle and decide where his sword arm is needed most.
Skaven Warlord - Warhammer - The Old World - Lexicanum
Feb 1, 2025 · Skaven Warlords are the ruthless and tyrannical rulers of the Skaven Clans, large and powerfully built warriors that command the utmost respect by sheer physical prowess, ruthless tyranny, and inhumane cruelty.
Warlord - Total War: WARHAMMER Wiki
Warlord is a Skaven Lord unit introduced in Total War: Warhammer II. To hold the title of Warlord is to rule. A Skaven does not gradually earn respect or position, and there certainly is no giving in the brutal society of the ratmen. Leadership must be savagely taken.
Queek Headtaker - Warhammer Wiki
Queek Headtaker is the legendary and much-feared Skaven Warlord also known as the "Lord of the City of Pillars," "Great Warlord of Clan Mors" and the personal right-claw of Warlord Gnawdwell, the one and true grand ruler of Clan Mors.
Skaven - Warhammer Wiki | Fandom
At its greatest extent, a Warlord Skaven has the power and influence to control a Clan with around hundreds or even tens of thousands of individuals, spread across many dens and underground burrows all across their occupying territories.
Clawlord - Age of Sigmar - Lexicanum
Nov 7, 2024 · Before the 2019 release of the Battletome Skaven, Clawlords were named Skaven Warlords in both the rules and the lore. Sources. 1: Battletome: Skaven (2019) 1a: Skaven Clans, pg. 22-23; 1b: Warriors of Verminus, pg. 42-43; 2: Warscrolls. 2a: Clawlord on Brood Horror from Monstrous Arcanum compendium; 2b: Skaven Warlord from Grand Alliance: Chaos
Skaven Warlords To hold the title of Warlord is to rule. Skaven do not earn their rank through experience, noble birth or respect as other races do. Instead, they sneak, cheat and murder their way to the top – only the most devious and cunning can hope to rule in the undercities. Any Skaven Warlord or Chieftain worth their fur knows that any one
Best lord type for Skaven? : r/totalwar - Reddit
Feb 6, 2022 · Warlords are slightly better, particularly on lower difficulties given they can reduce upkeep of skavenslaves. On higher difficulties the supply lines still make it painful however (although i guess that's changing in wh3).
List of Skaven characters - Warhammer - The Old World
Dec 15, 2019 · Pirate-Slaver captain of a Clan Skurvy barge-scow. A Chief Warlock of Clan Skryre and the emissary of Lord Warlock Morskittar, one of the Lords of Decay. a Skaven famous for embodying the race's discipline of Verminous Valour. He has made running away, sneaking and back-stabbing into an artform.