Apr 4, 2020 · To kill a skinwalker, the knife, blade, point etc. must be tipped in a spiritual concoction of some kind. The Ute's tipped their arrows and axe heads with a mixture of ash, blood from a live animal, most often a deer, blood from one of their bravest warriors, and an herbal concoction consisting of various desert flowers prepared by medicine men.
Is my new kitten actually a skinwalker? : r/nosleep - Reddit
It's not just like small cat pupils, it's definitely the eyes of a human. And that was when all the skinwalker stories I've read and heard came crashing into my mind. The lack of tail and the human eyes are repeated in several stories. Don't ask me how a skinwalker would end up in Norway though, I thought it was a native American thing.
A list of real skinwalker stories and lore : r/skinwalkers - Reddit
Sep 16, 2020 · A place to post experiences, thoughts, or stories you have found about skinwalkers and similar encounters. POSTING 'REPOST OR X' CREEPYPASTAS WILL GET YOU BANNED WITHOUT NOTIFICATION. Do not post a "are there skinwalkers in [location]" question. Do not frame your post as a question. "Was this a skinwalker?" is unnecessary …
The owner of the photo says: "I suddenly woke up at night and
Dec 28, 2022 · The lower part that bends the other way is a cat's ankles. They just seem long to us because apes and hominids (including humans) ankles are very low and close to the end of the foot compared to almost every other mammal- especially quadrupedal ones
Skin Walker Cat : r/memes - Reddit
Not speaking about the cat being on its hind legs, but there is something really odd about the way it's moving. Almost like someone in a green suit is puppeteering the cat to move like that, then edited out in post. The reversed gif does look a little more natural, but …
r/skinwalkers - Reddit
A place to post experiences, thoughts, or stories you have found about skinwalkers and similar encounters. POSTING 'REPOST OR X' CREEPYPASTAS WILL GET YOU BANNED WITHOUT NOTIFICATION. Do not post a "are there skinwalkers in [location]" question. Do not frame your post as a question. "Was this a skinwalker?" is unnecessary baiting. See rules for more.
Has my cat been replaced with a skinwalker? Context below.
Nov 12, 2022 · I have had my cat for roughly 1 year now. He is an adult, neutered, American Short-hair and is roughly 6 years old. He has taken up a new and concerning behavior. He will walk up to me and my infant and sit next to us and smile. His eyes have a 1000 yard stare to them and I feel he is looking at me like I'm a fine steak dinner.
I think my neighbor's cat warded off a skinwalker... - Reddit
Sep 22, 2017 · With only one or two neighbors down a gravel road in the middle of the woods, it was a nice fit for us. Probably the best reliever of all the stress that came with the move, however, was our new neighbor’s cat. She was a petite, older black cat that gravitated towards me almost instantly, and I treated her as if she was my own pet.
I know who Skinwalker is! : r/CatGhost - Reddit
Jun 26, 2019 · I imagine the skinwalker burrowed in Narah's head, and is trying to get her to see that Elon doesn't love her and she should come back to the tribe. But since Narah killed the skinwalker, he may just be trying to get back at Narah while fulfilling his task. I could be wrong about the last part, but I'm certain Azule was the skinwalker and is.
I think my friends cat is a skinwalker : r/SkinWalker - Reddit
Aug 5, 2021 · My friend has this cat that is acting very strange. I have always not liked this cat. I just don’t like it’s presence. He lives up in the Rocky Mountains and is surrounded by lots of trees and woods. The cat escapes very often and always come back. Today we were in his room and the door was closed. The door opens and the cat walks in.