My Skink's Pet Names - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
May 17, 2012 · Re: My Skink's Pet Names Post by Lunaire » Mon May 14, 2012 3:58 pm Ever since my skink as named Kupo (thanks to people who voted on my name poll ), my boyfriend started calling him 'Kupster.'
Skink Compatibility??? - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
Jan 21, 2013 · Best companion for a pet skink = a pet rock. They take very little extra care (occasional cleaning), and make great friends for skinks. Rocks can keep skinks warm if sitting under a light. They can provide a sense of security by blocking the skink from view. They can give an itchy skink something to rub against, and don't ask for anything in ...
Oct 24, 2016 · 300 grams is extremely concerning though; any BTS commonly kept as a pet should easily be double that as adults. Could you tell us more about where you are located, what species he is, what temps you keep and what you feed? To answer your initial question though, my skinks range in age from 4 months to 12-13 years.
Pet store skink - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
Jun 4, 2009 · I've been handling a skink in a pet store around 5 min from my house for a few weeks now. Just holding her on my chest, rubbing her chin and back. She seems to enjoy exploring every nook and cranny in my clothes XD The pet store knows a lot about her, since apparently the manager of the store knew the breeder they got her from pretty well.
Is there REALLY a nicest kind of blue tongue skink?
Apr 10, 2013 · Just the skink itself. It really depends on individual animals, there is no single best species. Unless you've owner Meraukes. Then they are obviously the best! Not to be nitpicky, but I wouldn't say that any BTS is 'affectionate'. But Northerns, IJs and Meraukes all …
Got a new fire skink as first pet lizard and worried about feeding.
Jun 10, 2021 · As the title said, I got a pet skink for first time last weekend and it's a fire skink. Waited 3-4 days for him to settle in the tank before trying to feed him. Started with just a small bowl of meal worms to see if he'd eat on those and he didn't touch em overnight or …
More reasons not to buy from a pet store - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
May 8, 2015 · About buying from pet stores; it doesn't really have anything to do with the conditions that the animals are kept in while in the store, and the main point is not at all that I'm against pet stores making huge profits; I'm not against stores being successful. The point is that by buying from a pet store you are supporting importation.
How do you get to keeping multiple skinks? - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
Sep 13, 2012 · Yes my skink might not come over and be like pet me and talk to me and hold me Larissa! While one of my dogs or macaws or other animals would, but that doesn't mean I think any less of him. I even consider my P. Imperator part of the family who for sure doesn't have the ability to love or show affection and for that matter my fish as well.
Jul 17, 2019 · I have this incubator tub on the floor of Fluffy's tub ( stays about 26 degC overnight, and about 28-30 degC during the day), Fluffy's ( my pet Eastern Water Skink's) cool zone. Fluffy was very curious about the tub , she investigates everything that's new right away. She's adopted the lid as a new basking spot.
Is Petting a Problem - BLUE TONGUE SKINKS
May 10, 2017 · So I have a question about "petting" my skink. I tend to scratch the back and the region between the nose and eyes. The reason why I am asking is because someone said in a thread to not pet skinks. I think my skink likes it though as he closes his eyes like he is in relief when I scratch the nose region.