Village of Slinger
Village of Slinger Village Hall 300 Slinger Road Slinger, WI 53086 (262) 644-5265
Government | Village of Slinger - Wisconsin
Nestled in the rolling hills of the Kettle Moraine, Slinger is a charming and dynamic village with 6,106 residents. Slinger was founded as Schleisingerville in 1854 and quickly became a busy center for trade and commerce.
Departments | Village of Slinger - Wisconsin
Village of Slinger Village Hall 300 Slinger Road Slinger, WI 53086 (262) 644-5265
Our Community | Village of Slinger - vi.slinger.wi.gov
The Village of Slinger is home to a terrific mix of residential neighborhoods, local businesses, entertainment and recreational opportunities. You can reach any Village staff or board member on our Staff Directory page .
How to Reach Us | Village of Slinger - Wisconsin
The Village of Slinger Village Hall is conveniently located at 300 Slinger Rd, Slinger, WI 53086. The main office is open Monday through Friday, 8:00 am – 5:00 pm. During working hours call 262-644-5265 for: Questions regarding service connections/disconnections, or any other need.
Parks and Recreation | Village of Slinger - Wisconsin
The Slinger Parks, Recreation & Forestry Department provides recreation programs for the whole community, including sports, enrichment, fitness, arts, wellness, outdoor activities and many other areas for a wide range of residents.
Ice Age Trail | Village of Slinger - vi.slinger.wi.gov
The Ice Age Trail is a 1,200-mile-long hiking route that winds through Wisconsin, showcasing the dramatic landscape shaped by the last Ice Age. The trail traverses glacial features such as moraines, eskers, and kettle lakes, offering a glimpse into the state's geological history.
Village Events | Village of Slinger - Wisconsin
View upcomng events in Slinger in the calendar below. Click on an event title for further details.
Slinger Utilities | Village of Slinger - Wisconsin
Slinger Utilities is a municipally owned and operated electric and water utility, serving more than 2,500 customers in Slinger, Wisconsin. We strive to provide low-cost, reliable service with a community-focused, personal touch.
Maps | Village of Slinger - Wisconsin
For additional maps or further explanations of the maps shown below, please view the Slinger Comprehensive Plan in the link below. If you do not have Adobe reader, it can be downloaded …