Sloopludop Battle-Map : r/OutoftheAbyss - Reddit
Sep 5, 2021 · I made my players fight on the big city map of Sloobludop, since most of the city is divided in two different factions, so i decided to use the full city map to make the villagers play in the fight as well, using the huge amount of units fighting variant rule. But the map from Cassastereo looks pretty decent to make a "zoom" on the main action.
(Oota) Out of the Abyss - Sloobludop - Kuo-Toa Battle - 20 x 20
Jul 9, 2021 · Battle maps are an essential part of many tabletop RPGs. They can be as simple as a single room or as complex as a vast underground dungeon. Both simple hand drawn and extravagantly artistic battle maps are welcome here. Tutorials describing map creating tips and tricks are also welcome. Check out the weekly megathread for discussions and requests!
Cave/Town Map - Out Of The Abyss: Sloobludop - Made in GIMP
Jul 31, 2017 · Battle maps are an essential part of many tabletop RPGs. They can be as simple as a single room or as complex as a vast underground dungeon. Both simple hand drawn and extravagantly artistic battle maps are welcome here. Tutorials describing map creating tips and tricks are also welcome. Check out the weekly megathread for discussions and requests!
Out of The Abyss: Shloobludop Maps : r/battlemaps - Reddit
May 2, 2021 · Battle maps are an essential part of many tabletop RPGs. They can be as simple as a single room or as complex as a vast underground dungeon. Both simple hand drawn and extravagantly artistic battle maps are welcome here. Tutorials describing map creating tips and tricks are also welcome. Check out the weekly megathread for discussions and requests!
Kuo Toa Village | Sloobludop from OotA [120 x 90] - Reddit
Oct 8, 2023 · The included map had very little detail related to the settlement, including some important locations like the Altar of the Deep Father. I also added some Kuo Toa generic features, such as mushroom farms, kelp beds and references to them fishing and preparing meals/goods from resources taken from the lake.
Sloobludop - Animated (map by SgtSnarf) : r/OutoftheAbyss - Reddit
Jun 17, 2024 · My players just visited Sloobludop for respite from the Underdark. A terrible idea on their part to summon a Demon Lord, but live laugh learn, run... I animated u/SgtSnarf's original map in After Effects to add some secondary ambience while they explored the village.
Underdark Themed Maps including cavern terrain and city ... - Reddit
May 16, 2022 · Battle maps are an essential part of many tabletop RPGs. They can be as simple as a single room or as complex as a vast underground dungeon. Both simple hand drawn and extravagantly artistic battle maps are welcome here. Tutorials describing map creating tips and tricks are also welcome. Check out the weekly megathread for discussions and requests!
Isometric pencil map of Sloobludop, based on the top-down map …
Sep 15, 2020 · Kind of goofed on the dimensions and made this much larger than the book shows. The text just says the town is filled with natural columns that the Kua-toa have crisscrossed with shanties and rope bridges and the like.
Sloobludop, 70pp/10ft : r/OutoftheAbyss - Reddit
Dec 16, 2021 · Sloobludop, 70pp/10ft. ... What you have on the map could possibly be interpreted as fungi, though - maybe ...
Session 02 - Headed to Sloobludop : r/OutoftheAbyss - Reddit
Aug 29, 2022 · We just had our second session, the trip from Velkynvelve towards Sloobludop. Again, this will be a long post. I did a quick recap: I have two PCs, and they escaped Velkynvelve with no help (didn't use the demons or the gambit), but Ront is dead, they have no food, no water, no clothes, few if any supplies, not even boots on their feet.