Sohu - Wikipedia
Sohu was founded as Internet Technologies China (ITC) in 1996 by Charles Zhang after he completed his PhD from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and received venture capital funding from colleagues he met there. [5] The following year, Zhang changed the name of ITC to Sohoo in homage to Yahoo! after meeting its cofounder, Jerry Yang; the name was soon after …
手机搜狐网 - m.sohu.com
手机搜狐网,懂手机,更懂你!手机搜狐是国内最大的移动门户之一,利用搜狐门户矩阵资源,内容覆盖新闻、财经、体育、娱乐、汽车、房产、图库、视频等资讯,为10亿手机用户打造随时随地的掌上资讯生活。手机搜狐网,手机搜狐触版- m.sohu.com
Sohu - Simple English Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Sohu.com Internet Plaza. Sohu (Chinese: 搜狐) is a Chinese Internet company. On August 1996, it is founded by Charles Zhang. The general headquarters of Sohu is in Haidian District, Beijing. [1] [2] Sohu has been listed on NASDAQ since 2000. In 2019, Sohu ranked as the 7th most visited site in the world according to the Alexa internet ranking ...
Sohu English News | China - 搜狐新闻
Welcome to SOHU English News-- More SOHU News in GB Chinese-- About SOHU: NEWS - CHINA - WORLD - BUSINESS - FINANCE - TECHNOLOGY - ENVIRONMENT - ARTS&CULTURE: About Sohu - The Company -
Sohu - Wikiwand
Sohu, Inc. is a Chinese Internet company headquartered in the Sohu Internet Plaza in Haidian District, Beijing. Sohu and its subsidiaries offer advertising, a s...
Sohu.com Inc. (NASDAQ: SOHU) is China's premier online brand and indispensable to the daily life of millions of Chinese, providing a network of web properties and community based/web 2.0 products which offer the vast Sohu user community a broad array of choices regarding information, entertainment and communication.
搜狐 - 维基百科,自由的百科全书
搜狐(nasdaq:sohu),是一家互联网中文门户网站。 1995年,搜狐创始人 张朝阳 利用 风险投资 创建了爱特信 信息技术 有限公司 ,1998年正式推出搜狐网。
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