Soleal line - Wikipedia
The soleal line is a prominent ridge on the posterior surface of the tibia. It extends obliquely downward from the back part of the articular facet for the fibula to the medial border, at the junction of its upper and middle thirds.
Soleal line - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The soleal line is a diagonal bony ridge that is located in the upper portion of the posterior surface of tibia. It is oriented downward and medially. Above the soleal line, the triangular region of the posterior surface of tibia serves as the point of origin for the popliteus muscle.
Tibia (Shin Bone): Definition, Location, Anatomy, & Diagrams
Nov 30, 2021 · It features a bony ridge called the soleal line. The line crosses this surface diagonally and eventually blends with the medial border of the tibia. Distal Tibia and its Bony Landmarks
Soleal Line | Complete Anatomy - Elsevier
The soleal (popliteal) line is the rough ridge found on the proximal half of the posterior surface of tibia. It extends inferomedially from the fibular articular facet to the medial border of tibia. It provides an origin site for the soleus muscle, and an attachment site for the transverse intermuscular septum of leg.
Soleal Line - AnatomyZone
Dec 13, 2020 · The soleal line is an oblique line visible on the posterior surface of the tibia. The popliteus muscle inserts above the soleal line. Three other muscles in the posterior compartment of the leg take their origin, or part of their origin from the soleal line:
Soleal line – Knowledge and References – Taylor & Francis
The Soleal line is a bony ridge that originates from either the front of the soleus muscle or the fibula, and runs along the tibia bone. From: Practical MRI of the Foot and Ankle [2019] more
Posterior surface of tibia - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
Below the soleal line, the posterior surface is divided into medial and lateral halves by a vertical bony ridge. The medial half gives rise to the flexor digitorum longus muscle, while the lateral half provides origin for the tibialis posterior muscle.
Tibia - Hithera - Prohealthsys
The posterior surface is bounded by the interosseous and the medial borders, and is widest at its upper end, where it is crossed from above downwards and medially by an oblique, roughened ridge, termed the soleal line. The area below this line is subdivided into medial and lateral parts by a faint vertical line, which begins at or just below ...
Popliteal line Definition and Examples - Biology Online
Jul 24, 2022 · soleal line A ridge which extends obliquely downward and medially across the back of the tibia from the fibular articular facet; it gives origin to the soleus muscle. Synonym: linea musculi solei, line for soleus muscle, linea poplitea, popliteal line.
Soleal line
The soleal line is an obliquely oriented ridge that courses distally from the back of the lateral condyle to the posterior medial side of the shaft. This rough ridge of bone is the attachment site for the soleus muscle.