Sony TX800 Digital Voice Recorder with Remote (ICD-TX800…
Mar 23, 2018 · Capture meetings, talks, and voice memos easily, with the iced-tx800 digital voice recorder. Compact and portable, it comes with 16 GB2 of built-in memory and goes from "off" to "record" mode with just one touch.
- 4.1/5(10)
TX800 Digital Voice Recorder TX Series | ICD-TX800 | Sony …
Capture meetings, talks and voice memos easily, with the ICD-TX800 Digital Voice Recorder. Compact and portable, it comes with 16GB of built-in memory and goes from ‘off’ to ‘record’ mode with just one touch.
Manuals for ICD-TX800 | Sony USA - Sony Group Portal
If you prefer a paper hard copy of a manual listed on this page, you can purchase it from the True Manuals web site. Find instruction manuals and brochures for ICD-TX800.
ICD-TX800 Specifications | Sony USA - Sony Group Portal
Sony Support ICD-TX800. Specifications. Product Highlights. Size & Weight. Dimensions (W x H x D) Approx. 1.50" x 1.50" x 0.54" Weight. Approx. 0.78 oz. General Features. Maximum files per folder. 199. Calendar Search. No. Battery type (Provided) The remote control comes with a button-type lithium battery installed.
SONY索尼ICD-TX800录音笔评测 & 使用感受_什么值得买
Dec 4, 2017 · 在尝试将录音笔拉细、拍扁之后,SONY终于打算彻底小型化,ICD-TX800一改传统的录音棒造型,通过内部元件的形状优化,使整体更为小巧轻薄。 搭配巧妙的夹子风格设计,可将机身轻松收纳在口袋、公文包、笔记本等不起眼的地方,时刻保持商务形象。 ICD-TX800基本参数如下: 作为日常工作实用工具之一,录音笔类产品也是我关注的电子产品之一,初次与TX800相识是通过张大妈的这篇资讯: 它拥有诸多设计上的特色,不过最吸引我的是那小巧且不那么“商 …
ICD-TX800 | Help Guide | Top - Sony
Use this manual if you encounter any problems, or have any questions about your device.
View and Download Sony ICD-TX800 help manual online. IC Recorder. ICD-TX800 voice recorder pdf manual download.
Sony ICD-TX800 Digital Voice Recorder and Remote (White)
Capture meetings, talks, and voice memos easily, with the ICD-TX800 Digital Voice Recorder. Compact and portable, it comes with 16 GB of built-in memory and goes from "off" to "record" mode with just one touch. It can even be controlled from across the room with the REC Remote smartphone app or supplied remote control.
ICD-TX800 | ICレコーダー/集音器 - ソニー
音声をマイク内部でダイレクトにデジタル信号へ変換する「高性能デジタルマイク」を内蔵。 小型でも高音質のステレオ録音が可能です。 電源がオフの状態でも録音ボタンを押せばすぐに録音をスタートする「ワンプッシュ録音」(*1)や、事前に録音開始のタイミングを設定(*2)して録音のし忘れを防止する「録音開始タイマー機能」など便利な機能を備えています。 録音シーンに適した録音設定が可能な「シーンセレクト」には、こすれ音の低減に有効なローカッ …
ICD-TX800 Specifications | Voice Recorders | Sony United Kingdom
Capture meetings, talks and voice memos easily, with the ICD-TX800 Digital Voice Recorder. Compact and portable, it comes with 16GB of built-in memory and goes from ‘off’ to ‘record’ mode with just one touch.
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