Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) - EASA
When conducting an operation not covered by a STS or a PDRA, applicants are required to conduct a risk assessment, identify mitigations and comply with safety objectives. The risk …
Predefined Risk Assessment (PDRA) - EASA
The Predefined Risk Assessment (PDRA) is an operational scenario for which EASA has already carried out the risk assessment and has been published as an acceptable means of …
Exploitation de drones en catégorie spécifique
La SORA est une méthode d'analyse des risques utilisée pour solliciter une demande d'autorisation d'exploitation d'aéronefs sans équipage à bord (drones) en catégorie Spécifique …
Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) Update
Pre-defined risk assessments (PDRAs) The current PDRA package being developed by the Joint Authorities for Rulemaking on Unmanned Systems (JARUS) will be reviewed as part of the UK …
• Conduct operations covered by PDRA without ask for authorisation • Assess the risk of new operations through SORA and conduct the operation without ask for authorisation
Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) - bazl.admin.ch
Any drone flight which cannot be covered by either an STS or a PDRA requires an application in accordance with SORA which is specific to the proposed operation. What is it about? The …
SORA, STS & PDRA - Airhub
Through applying the SORA, you can determine both the risks on the ground (Ground Risk Class, GRC) and in the air (Air Risk Class, ARC) caused by the UAS operation. It also provides …
Specific category - Luftfartstilsynet
SORA: Apply for authorisation through a Specific Operation Risk Assessment (SORA) for each type of operation. PDRA: Apply by using a Predefined Risk Assessment (PDRA). This is a pre …
Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) | European Cockpit ...
Aug 13, 2021 · SORA (Specific Operations Risk Assessment) is a multi-stage process of risk assessment aiming at risk analysis of certain unmanned aircraft operations, as well as defining …
10 steps to achieving Specific Operations Risk Assessment
Nov 4, 2020 · The Specific Operations Risk Assessment (SORA) is a 10-steps process aiming to evaluate the risks and determine the acceptability of a UAS operation in the ‘specific’ category.