ViewSpace videos tell the stories of the planets, stars, galaxies, and universe, giving viewers the opportunity to experience space and Earth as seen with satellites and telescopes. Astronomy: …
Interacting Galaxies: Future of the Milky Way - ViewSpace
The images in this slider are an artist’s view of how the night sky will look in the distant future, based on current astronomical measurements. Stargazers of the future appear to be in for …
Developed by a team of scientists, educators, writers, and designers working closely with NASA missions, ViewSpace videos feature the latest imagery from satellites and space telescopes, …
About the Interactives - ViewSpace
The desktop view covers most of the graphic and is overlaid in the lower right corner with the mobile view, which is oriented vertically. Both show a color image of the Crab Nebula with …
Star Formation: Eagle Nebula - ViewSpace
The Eagle Nebula offers views of a stellar nursery in multiple wavelengths, allowing us to see both the dense cocoons of dust and the stars forming within. The nebula is home to three thick …
ViewSpace | About the Interactives
This infographic shows screenshots of the desktop and mobile view of an Image Slider, with six key features of the interactive labeled and explained. The desktop view covers most of the …
Seeing Farther: Hubble Ultra Deep Field - ViewSpace
Deep fields are selected because they avoid the densely populated disk of the Milky Way, ensuring the dust, stars, and other objects in our own galaxy do not obscure the view. The …
ViewSpace | Image Tours: Herbig-Haro 46/47
Observatory: James Webb Space Telescope Herbig-Haro 46/47 is made up of: a tightly bound pair of young stars, two orange lobes created by the ejection of gas and dust from these stars, …
ViewSpace | Forms of Light: Electromagnetic Spectrum
The imaginary scene shown here highlights some of the natural and human-made sources of electromagnetic radiation on Earth and in space. The scene is highly simplified: The visible …
ViewSpace | Videos and Interactives Setup Guide
These videos feature stunning images from space telescopes and Earth- observing satellites, visualizations, and captions to help guide the narrative. To view a single video on a particular …