USAF BTZ Calculator
Use this calculator to figure out when you are eligible for BTZ.
BTZ (Below the Zone) EPR Bullet Examples
Earned/Won Below the Zone - Highly regarded and ambitious Airman; selected as and promoted to coveted SrA Below the Zone -- well deserved! - Leader amongst peers; selected as 2013 "Amn of the Year" and earned BTZ selection--top performer to date
ENLISTED PROMOTIONS - Air Force's Personnel Center
For detailed information regarding the Below the Zone (BTZ) Program, Weighted Airman Promotion System (WAPS), eligibility criteria, general promotion testing and links to other resources related to enlisted promotions, please follow the link below.
Earn an extra stripe: Senior Airman 'Below the Zone' - U.S. Air Force
Jul 27, 2021 · For a select few Airmen, an opportunity to promote early presents itself through below-the-zone promotions. Senior airman below-the-zone is a one-time advancement consideration to earn the rank of senior airman from the rank of airman first class six months before the standard fixed promotion date.
1. Overview. The SrA BTZ promotion program provides a one-time consideration for early promotion. The program provides exceptionally well-qualified Airmen First Class (A1C) to be considered for promotion six months prior to the fully qualified point of promotion. Selection opportunity is 15 percent of the total
Sra btz board tips : r/AirForce - Reddit
Feb 22, 2023 · I’m going up for btz here in a week. Anybody recently go up in front up the board and have any tips or tricks to give?
Promotion / BTZ / STEP - AF Mentor
Feb 11, 2010 · We are always looking for example Senior Airmen Below-The-Zone (BTZ) and STEP packages. The examples below (although few) will help to enlighten new supervisors on BTZ. Basic build of the BTZ package. This will get you in the ball pack, but local guidelines will fill in the blanks. a new scoring sheet based off of 2008 guidance.
SrA Below-the-Zone (BTZ) Nomination Guidelines - AF Mentor
The following BTZ nomination example has been derived from a number of sources. The most current example , as of 2007, is the BTZ package being placed into an AF1206 . If you have anything you would like to submit , please do so.
Letter Factory - Example SrA BTZ Nomination - AF Mentor
Aug 1, 2015 · AIC Nominee is nominated for BTZ selection based on the following achievements: JOB PERFORMANCE - Strives to make unit succeed; effectively sustains Distributed Ground Station-?
A1Cs may be promoted to SrA six months prior to the fully qualified phase point listed below as long as they meet the criteria listed in AFI 36-2502 and are recommended by the commander. Use columns 1 & 2 for individuals who enter the service as an Airman Basic (AB) or Airman (Amn). Airmen must satisfy both criteria - using the later board.
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