Saint Afra - Wikipedia
Saint Afra (died 304) was martyred during the Diocletian persecution. Along with Saint Ulrich & St Simpert, she is a patron saint of Augsburg. Her feast day is August 7. Afra was dedicated to the service of the goddess Venus by her mother, Hilaria. Through his teachings, Bishop Narcissus converted Afra and her family to Christianity.
Saint Afra - Roman Catholic Saints
Saint Afra was a citizen of Augsburg, in Bavaria, and a pagan of so dissolute a character, that her house and its inmates were used by her for the infamous purpose of corrupting the youths of that city.
St. Afra - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
Martyr and penitent, listed in some records as the daughter of the king of Cyprus. Afra was caught up in the persecutions of Emperor Diocletian in Roman Augsburg. She is listed in the Martyrology Hieronymianum.
Saint Afra of Augsburg - Catholic Saint - Saint for a Minute
Saint Afra's feast day is celebrated on August 7th each year. She is venerated as the patron saint of Augsburg, Germany, both the city and its diocese. Additionally, she is considered a patron saint of converts, martyrs, and penitent women.
Afra - Catholic Saints Day
In today’s world, devotion to St. Afra continues to inspire us. She is venerated as the patron saint of repentant sinners, especially those caught in the clutches of sexual immorality. Her feast day, celebrated on August 5, serves as a day to remember her undying faith and martyrdom.
It is an indisputable historical fact that a Christian named Afra was beheaded at Augsburg during the persecution of Diocletian (c. 304) for her steadfast profession of faith, and that at an early period her grave was the object of great veneration.
Afra, Saint | Catholic Answers Encyclopedia
Afra was given over as a prostitute to the service of the goddess by her own mother Hilaria, or Hilara. In the persecution of Diocletian , Bishop Narcissus of Gerundum, in Spain , took refuge from his persecutors in Augsburg, and chanced to find an asylum in Afra’s house.
Saint August 5 : St. Afra a Convert and Former Prostitute
Aug 4, 2019 · Saint Afra worked as a prostitute, but kindly hid her local bishop during the persecution of Christians. From his influence, she converted to the faith, dedicated herself to acts of charity, and was eventually persecuted and executed for her beliefs.
St. Afra - Encyclopedia Volume - Catholic Online
Afra was given over as a prostitute to the service of the goddess by her own mother Hilaria, or Hilara. In the persecution of Diocletian, Bishop Narcissus of Gerundum, in Spain, took refuge from his persecutors in Augsburg, and chanced to find an asylum in Afra's house.
Novena to Saint Afra. - Catholic Doors
SAINT AFRA. Repeat the following Novena prayers every day for 9 consecutive days. Lord Jesus Christ, most merciful Savior of the World, we humbly beseech you, by your most Sacred Heart, that all the sheep who stray out of your fold may one day be converted to You, Shepherd and Bishop of their souls, Who lives and reigns with God the Father
St. Afra - CatholiCity.com
Afra was given over as a prostitute to the service of the goddess by her own mother Hilaria, or Hilara. In the persecution of Diocletian, Bishop Narcissus of Gerundum, in Spain, took refuge from his persecutors in Augsburg, and chanced to find an asylum in Afra's house.
SAINT AFRA - thesacredheart.com
saint afra Martyr and penitent, listed in some records as the daughter of the king of Cyprus. Afra was caught up in the persecutions of Emperor Diocletian in Roman Augsburg.
St. Afra - World Mythos
Dec 17, 2024 · St. Afra is a significant figure in Christian mythology, particularly known for her life and martyrdom in the early Christian church. She is often celebrated for her conversion from paganism to Christianity, which marked a profound change not only in her own life but also in the lives of those around her.
Santa Afra - valldellemena.cat
St. Afra has traditionally had a great devotion among the people of Girona for their relationship with the holy Narcís, patron saint of Girona. Since the XVIII century there is evidence of pilgrimages to the shrine.
St. Afra - Saints & Angels - Catholic Online
7 Morning Prayers you need to ... Martyr of Brescia, Italy, traditionally associated with Sts. Faustinus and Jovita.
Afra, St. | Encyclopedia.com
afra, st. Martyr at Augsburg during the persecution of diocletian, patron of the Diocese of Augsburg. The Martyrology of St. Jerome witnesses to her life and martyrdom, and this information is confirmed by Venantius Fortunatus, who visited her grave in 565.
Saint August 5 : St. Afra : Convert and Former Prostitute
Aug 5, 2014 · Saint Afra worked as a prostitute, but kindly hid her local bishop during the persecution of Christians. From his influence, she converted to the faith, dedicated herself to acts of charity, and was eventually persecuted and executed for her beliefs.
Saint Afra - Wikiwand
Saint Afra (died 304) was martyred during the Diocletian persecution. Along with Saint Ulrich & St Simpert, she is a patron saint of Augsburg. Her feast day is August 7. Afra was dedicated to the service of the goddess Venus by her mother, Hilaria. Through his teachings, Bishop Narcissus converted Afra and her family to Christianity.
Saint Afra - Catholic Prayers
Saint Afra she was originally a courtesan in Augsburg, having come there from Cyprus, as the daughter of the King of Cyprus. She is reputed to either run a brothel in that town, or work as a prostitute in the Temple of Venus.
St. Afra - catholicism.en-academic.com
It is an indisputable historical fact that a Christian named Afra was beheaded at Augsburg during the persecution of Diocletian ( c. 304) for her steadfast profession of faith, and that at an early period her grave was the object of great veneration.
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