Sternum: Anatomy, parts, pain and diagram | Kenhub
Oct 26, 2023 · In this article, we will discuss the embryology, anatomy and clinical relevance of the sternum. The sternum develops from a left and right cartilaginous plates that unite in the midline. The ribs develop from their ossification centers and unite with the sternum in the midline.
Stern - Wikipedia
Sternul (Sternum) sau osul pieptului este un os nepereche, plat și alungit, situat median în partea anterioară a toracelui, cu direcție oblică de sus în jos și dinapoi înainte. Pe schelet el este așezat între cele două clavicule și între primele șapte perechi de coaste.
Anatomy, Thorax, Sternum - StatPearls - NCBI Bookshelf
Jul 24, 2023 · The sternum is a partially T-shaped vertical bone that forms the anterior portion of the chest wall centrally. The sternum is divided anatomically into three segments: manubrium, body, and xiphoid process. The sternum connects the ribs via the costal cartilages forming the anterior rib cage.
Sternum: Overview, Anatomy, and Function (2025)
Feb 4, 2025 · The sternum, commonly known as the breastbone, is a central figure in the human skeletal system, anchoring the rib cage and serving as a pivotal point for various muscular and …
Body of sternum - e-Anatomy - IMAIOS
The body of sternum, considerably longer, narrower, and thinner than the manubrium, attains its greatest breadth close to the lower end. Surfaces. —Its anterior surface is nearly flat, directed upward and forward, and marked by three transverse ridges which cross the bone opposite the third, fourth, and fifth articular depressions.
The Sternum: Anatomy and 3D Illustrations - Innerbody
Mar 15, 2025 · Explore the anatomy, structure, and role of the sternum with Innerbody's interactive 3D model. The sternum, commonly known as the breastbone, is a long, narrow flat …
Sternum: anatomy and labeled diagram | GetBodySmart
Nov 2, 2022 · The sternum (pronounced ˈstər-nəm) is located in the center of the anterior thoracic wall and is also known as the breastbone. It consists of three segments, the manubrium, body, and xiphoid process. The segments fuse to form a long, flat bone. The sternum articulates with the clavicles and costal cartilages of the ribs.
Stern: functii, rol, afectiuni asociate | Dr.Max Farmacie
Sternul este localizat in mijlocul pieptului, este un os plat si ingust cu rol in protectia muschilor, organelor si arterelor importante situate la nivelul cutiei toracice. Acest os este alcatuit din trei segmente.
Stern: anatomie, structură, funcție - ro.iliveok.com
Apr 23, 2024 · Sternul este un os plat, la care nervurile sunt atașate la dreapta și la stânga. Sternul are un mâner, un corp și un proces xiphoid. Brațul stern (manubrium sterni) este partea superioară și cea mai groasă a acestui os.
Cutia toracica (coastele) | Anatomie si fiziologie
Sep 3, 2012 · Cavitatea toracica este formata de articularea coastelor cu sternul si coloana vertebrala. Aceasta are aspect de trunchi de con, turtit antero- posterior. Costele sunt in numar de 12 perechi de arcuri. Fiecare coasta este alcatuita din os costal si cartilaj costal.
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