Storm Sails - Rolly Tasker Sails
A Gale Sail is a Storm Jib that simply hoists over the top of a furled headsail meaning that the furled sail doesn’t need to be removed. It can be hoisted with the spinnaker halyard or a spare jib halyard.
The Storm Jib Technique
Hoist the Sail: Hoist the storm jib, making sure that it is properly tensioned and free of any twists or tangles. Adjust the halyard tension as needed to achieve the desired luff tension.
7 Storm Jibs on test - Practical Boat Owner
Jan 26, 2016 · In the past, the principal methods for hoisting a storm jib were to hank it on to the forestay or an inner forestay, hoist a wire-luffed sail free flying, or use parrel beads up the furled headsail in much the same way as a gaff is held to the mast.
The Gale Sail | Easy Handling Storm Jib | ATN Sailing Equipment
The patented Gale Sail from ATN, inc. is the safest and easiest way to hoist a storm jib in storm conditions. High visibility Safety Orange is now used for the body of the Gale Sail. The Gale Sail eliminates the need for a removable headstay.
Furling-friendly Storm Sails: Are They a Sensible Solution?
May 18, 2009 · Both the Gale Sail and Storm-Bag address the roller furling-storm jib issue, but they do it with distinctly different designs. Our evaluation compared not only basics (cost and quality of construction), but also ease of use and other pros and …
What is a storm jib and how to use one - Jolly Parrot
The luff is probably best hanked onto a steel forestay with strong, brass piston hanks, but with the common use of furling headsails on modern cruising yachts these days, storm jibs are sometimes hanked onto a strong nylon sheath which envelopes the furled headsail and is hoisted (attached to the jib and sheath by a second halyard).
Practical Sailor recently evaluated two products that claim to restore the missing storm jib capability on vessels with roller-furling headsails, the ATN Gale Sail and the Storm-Bag from Ban-ner Bay Marine.
Three Ways to Hoist a Storm Jib - YouTube
Discover how you can gain instant access to hundreds of sailing articles, videos, FREE e-Books and much more! Captain John with 25+ years of experience shows you the no-nonsense cruising skills you...
Set a Storm Jib - UK Sailmakers
Anyone planning on sailing offshore needs to carry storm sails. In order for these sails to help you in storm conditions, practice setting them in light air first to learn how to hoist and trim them. Then go out in winds over 25 knots to get experience in conditions closer to gale force winds.
Storm jib - Gale Sail - ATN - for cruising sailboats - NauticExpo
The patented "Gale Sail" from ATN, inc. is the safest and easiest way to hoist a storm jib in storm conditions. Features: - High visibility luff pouch - Oversized piston hanks PLUS webbed grommets for easier hoisting - It eliminates the need for a removable headstay.
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