Helping secure the best outcomes for children by keeping them happy, healthy and in school. We help schools, parents, local authorities, multi-academy trusts and the NHS secure better school attendance, improve children’s health and work together more efficiently.
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Studybugs Brand Kit And Logos - BrandKitPage
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Studybugs – Sign In
Log in to Studybugs to manage your account, report your child’s absence from school (parents) or visit the staff portal (school, trust or local authority staff).
Studybugs - LinkedIn
Studybugs (studybugs.com) is a unique, live online platform that enables all responsible parties – local authorities, schools, academy trusts, NHS, parents and more – to work together closely...
About - Studybugs
Studybugs provides a unique communication platform for children’s health, used by thousands of schools and parents across the UK. In partnership with the NHS and other public health organisations, Studybugs tracks what bugs are going around and passes on expert advice to keep children healthy and in school.
Studybugs – What Goes Around
Studybugs automatically alerts you to potential issues early so you can quickly address them. Instantly accessible, comprehensive data helps you monitor the success of any actions taken and communicate these with parents. Studybugs also keeps a record of messages for you. 3. Get The Right People in Place
Studybugs – Suffolk Learning
Studybugs provides instant visibility on absences, allowing early intervention for at-risk children. Working Together to Improve School Attendance (DfE, 2022) – Establishes that local authorities must use data intelligently to identify patterns of poor attendance and intervene early.
Studybugs – We are Studybugs
Apr 4, 2016 · We’re excited to announce we now have a new name: we are Studybugs. When we started out a couple of years ago, we set out to build a neat little social media tool for seeing what illnesses are going around, and the name ‘Sickly’ seemed to be suitably quirky.
Studybugs – 4 New Ways We’re Helping You Follow the Updated …
Jul 4, 2024 · Please sign in with your school, trust or local authority staff account to see this blog post. Don’t have a staff account? Otherwise, you can register your school for a free account here.