Home page - Sufi Heart
Dec 27, 2020 · The heart is the key to true healing. Sufism is the way of the heart. It is to purify the heart from all of the issues that separate us from God, and to drink from the well of the love. Know that the Promise of God is real- “If you call, I will answer.” The answers that trouble your heart can be found here, on the Sufi Path of the Love.
Understanding the Stations of the Heart - Sufi Heart
Feb 21, 2021 · The Sufi’s call these way points, hearts, and they talk about the human being as having not one heart like we would traditionally think but four hearts or four heart stations along the journey to God. These are called: the heart of the self, the heart of the heart, the heart of the soul, and the heart of the Secret.
Sufism - Sufi Heart
If your heart is troubled, suffering, or broken- Sufism is the way to heal was ails your heart. It is a way to find Peace, Love, Mercy, Justice and Freedom. The Sufi Path is ancient. It’s knowledge has been handed down from person to person until it has reached the Shaykh who can guide you.
About Us - Sufi Heart
ufi Heart is a website dedicated to spreading the Sufi message of love, peace, mercy and justice. It is a path of heart transformation where the seeker purifies their heart of everything but Allah. Our teachings come from the time honored tradition of the Shadhiliyya Sufi’s started in Morocco by Abul Hasan Shadduli.
Our Guide - Sufi Heart
The goal, in the case of one on a sufi path, is to the uncovering of the true Reality of God that exists inside the heart of each human being. The guide acts not as a middle-man between his students and God, but as a way-shower, ever pointing the way on the path.
Meditation Archives - Sufi Heart
Apr 21, 2019 · Peace and Blessing, Bismi’llah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate The teachings that we at Sufi Heart have been sharing with you are designed to help you on your walking down the Path of Love. Allah has called us to help you: just as He calls you to help ... Read More
Stations of the Way - Sufi Heart
There are many stations, beginning with seven stations of the self (an-nafs), seven stations of the heart, seven stations of the soul, and seven stations of the secret. In everything, in every station, you begin to return to be with Him, to walk to be the holy sun of the truth.
Blog - Sufi Heart
Sep 18, 2020 · Peace and Blessing, Bismi’llah ar-Rahman, ar-Rahim In the Name of God, the Merciful, the Compassionate The teachings that we at Sufi Heart have been sharing with you are designed to help you on your walking down the Path of Love. Allah has called us to help you: just as He calls you to help ... Read More
The Bayah - Sufi Heart
When someone is ready to accept Sidi as their guide. He allows them the opportunity to make a promise to God that will set the intention for their walking on the Sufi Path. This is called the Bay’ah. Sidi takes the hand of the student in his hand signifying a …
sufi Archives - Sufi Heart
Nov 18, 2018 · The Path of Purification of the Heart- the Sufi Path calls us to know that everything in God's universe is right. Even people who don't believe the way we ... Read More