A few questions for those running a supercharged M70
Oct 5, 2012 · Entertaining the idea at supercharging my M70, found a non-intercooled setup that'll claims to easily push 400+HP at low boost, and have a few questions: 1) at what HP level does the 4HP24 loose long term reliabilty?
M70 Supercharger Kit - Bimmerforums.com
Oct 18, 2021 · I've been looking for a supercharger kit from the likes of Boosted Logic, Chargertech, Scharper. So far I've gotten no response from Boosted Logic, questionable review for Chargertech, and I just found Scharper but have no info on them. Can anyone provide some insight? Thank you.
850, best ways to increase HP for M70B50 , Supercharger vs …
Mar 13, 2013 · The typical US screw type supercharger sitting on top of the engine through the hood may provide less restriction than a centrifugal type SC, which is basically the same as half a turbo where the drive turbine is replaced with a belt drive.
All you need to know about performance parts and tuning the M70 …
BMW M70 offer good returns when tuned and with the optimum uprated parts like a remap, turbo kits and camshafts you will dramatically maximize your driving pleasure.
850i Tuning - BimmerFest BMW Forum
Dec 11, 2010 · Since you have an M70-engined 850, the best way is to get a twin turbo kit (as was built by DINAN - no longer available there) good for 525 HP; or a Supercharger from John in D.C. You can also check here: http://forums.bimmerforums.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?f=55 , lots of info there.
E28 528e with supercharged M70V12 - rusefi.com
Aug 7, 2024 · I swapped my car several years ago to an M70 running stock injection and then later decided to be silly and add a Rotrex supercharger. I kept the injection mostly stock and added an RRFPR and higher flow injectors from an M60 V8, but soon found out that I was limited by the stock injections MAFs.
Boosted Logic - Supercharge you BMW 850
The only supercharger kit available for your V-12 E31; Systems installed in US, Middle East, and Europe; Learn more about our supercharger kits!
V12 m70 swap? I saw a m70 on Craigslist and it got me thing
Dec 31, 2012 · Number of cylinders does not dictate power output. Additionally, more cylinders does not mean an engine is "bigger" (higher displacement). As an example, the BMW M70 V12 has a displacement of 304 c.i. while the M5 S62 V8 has a displacement of 302 c.i. Essentially the same displacement.
The forgotten V12 [Archive] - Bimmerforums - The Ultimate BMW …
Has anyone heard or has seen a twin turbo or supercharger for the V12? What makes the 850CSi faster than the 750? Would it be the heads? They are both SOHC and neither have turbo's. Thats what I have been pondering for the last couple of weeks. I have a client that has one and the 850 has alot more torque. It slaps you into the seat.
BMW E31 850Ci M70 5.0L Engine Supercharger Parts
Superchargers are a fast, efficient way to increase engine performance. That's why ECS Tuning carries a large selection of original equipment and aftermarket superchargers, belts, pulleys, and accessories. We also have a complete line of VF Supercharger kits, ready to bolt on.