How to use a sircingle - The Horse Forum
Dec 4, 2010 · I have a surcingle for my mini, the kind that goes around the body. I bought it to start to teach him to drive! I am very new to horse terms. Tack terms too. I had horses when I was a teenager, but my parents took care of them. I just rode them! LOL I now own a mini. So I am trying to learn as much as I can! If I understand your explanation right.
what size for lunging surcingle? - The Horse Forum
Feb 1, 2014 · Tough-1 Leather 18-ring Training Surcingle - Statelinetack.com Here is one from Weaver (also Stateline tack) that is for the average horse with a range of 64 to 72 inches Weaver 10-Ring Neoprene Lined Nylon Surcingle - Statelinetack.com You will have to check the range given for the surcingle you are looking at.
Surcingle? - The Horse Forum
Dec 30, 2011 · There are some very good books on lunging and long lining that require a surcingle. Many western trainers like Craig Cameron train with a western saddle as a substitute for a surcingle, but I think that is bc he sells his own saddle, lol. =b The idea is for your horse to learn to balance without a rider's interference.
What is the importance of a surcingle? | The Horse Forum
Feb 3, 2011 · I use one to encourage collection and get a horse working around me nice and rounded. I don't have side reins, so I just attach the donut reins to the bit to encourage collection. The aids my horses look for are my voice and my posture. I have a round pen so I don't usually use a lunge line, but the surcingle is a helpful training tool.
Surcingles??? - The Horse Forum
Jan 21, 2013 · Teaching a horse to ground drive (you run the lines through the rings on the surcingle). As a device to hook side reins onto for lunging. Getting a horse used to noises and tack motion coming from his back. I attached bells and various flappy objects to the surcingle. For little kids to hold onto when riding bareback.
Question on Aussie Girth/Cinch setup | The Horse Forum
Jul 28, 2015 · The surcingle (over girth) is not designed to be used alone. If anything people do it the other way around, using just the under one and pulling out the over. The two girth design is for safety and its best to use them both. They should be sitting next to each other - so the surcingle goes under the outer flap to sit in the inner.
Making a surcingle form girths - The Horse Forum
Jan 9, 2013 · Strictly speaking a surcingle's just a strap to hold something in place -a rug or something over the saddle, usually, though one that goes over the saddle (eventers and showjumpers often fit them for extra security if they use double elastic-end girths) tends to be called an 'overgirth' nowadays.
Australian Saddle Overgirth Question | The Horse Forum
Sep 18, 2018 · A surcingle is a strap that goes over the seat & through slits in the top of the flaps, that you do up under the flap as a second girth. It is not the same as a rear cinch on a western, if that's what you're mentioning other saddles having the rings for.
saddle pad and surcingle? - The Horse Forum
Feb 7, 2008 · I just got Vega a surcingle. It has fleece padding all along the top, but i have seen people put a saddle pad underneath it. Should i do it to? And if so, what type of saddle pad would you recommend? I currently have a half pad, and a contour pad. I am open to having to buy an all purpose one. Thanks a bunch!
Length of reins/lines for ground driving | The Horse Forum
Dec 23, 2013 · I never use a saddle. And, unlike many here, I will never cross the offside rein around the haunch. Ever. I use a surcingle and cross the offside rein over the back, behind the surcingle. Using a saddle makes this impossible and, if you are running the reins through the stirrups, it puts the reins way too low.