Swamp dewberry - Wikipedia
Rubus hispidus, with the common names swamp dewberry, bristly dewberry, bristly groundberry, groundberry, hispid swamp blackberry or running swamp blackberry, is North American species of dewberry in the rose family.
Rubus hispidus — bristly blackberry, swamp dewberry - Go Botany
Bristly blackberry is a common trailing species partial to wet habitats. Its arching stems bear three-parted compound leaves and are armed with numerous bristles that are narrow at the base. The stems can root at the tips, producing new stems. The fruits of bristly blackberry are eaten by many species of birds.
Swamp Dewberry (Rubus hispidus) - Illinois Wildflowers
Compared to the upland species, Rubus frondosus (Common Dewberry), Swamp Dewberry has leaflets with tips that are more blunt and its stems are bristly, rather than prickly. The flowers of Swamp Dewberry are also smaller in size (½-¾" in across) than those of …
Rubus hispidus (Blackberry, Bristly Dewberry, Dewberry, Swamp Dewberry ...
Swamp dewberry is a native perennial shrub in the Rose (Rosaceae) family with branching woody vines and trailing stems up to 8' long. Rather than arching canes, dewberries produce trailing stems that creep along the ground. The stems can root at the tips forming new plants.
creeping dewberry Rubus hispidus from New England Wild …
Swamp dewberry is a charming sight in swales, ditches, and open woods throughout the Northeast. With a running, ground-covering habit as opposed to an upright one, this little plant hugs the ground, producing delicate five-petaled flowers that later yield an astringent fruit.
What is a swamp berry? - Green Packs
A swamp berry, scientifically known as Rubus hispidus, is a North American dewberry species that thrives in wetland habitats. It is characterized by its bristly stems, serrated leaves, and small black or dark purple fruits.
Swamp dewberry (Rubus hispidus) - Seashore to Forest Floor
There are a number of species of dewberry, but as its name implies, swamp dewberry is most often found in wetlands. As a member of the Rubus genus, swamp dewberry is related to blackberries and raspberries, and produces a similar, but smaller, flowers and fruit.
Swamp Dewberry Rubus hispidus - iNaturalist
Rubus hispidus, with the common names swamp dewberry, bristly dewberry, bristly groundberry, groundberry, hispid swamp blackberry or running swamp blackberry, is North American species of dewberry in the rose family.
Bristly dewberry - Cooperative Extension: Maine Wild Blueberries ...
Prepared by Jennifer L. D’Appollonio, Assistant Scientist, University of Maine, Orono, ME 04469. Updated April 2019. Scientific name: Rubus hispidus L. Common name (s): bristly dewberry, swamp dewberry, running swamp dewberry. Links: USDA PLANTS Profile , …
Rubus hispidus, Bristly Dewberry at Toadshade Wildflower Farm
Rubus hispidus, Bristly Dewberry is available at Toadshade Wildflower Farm, a mail order nursery in Frenchtown, NJ, that specializes in native perennial wildflower plants and seeds.