Home | Jupiter
Jupiter is one of the largest decentralized trading platforms and one of the most active governance communities in crypto. We're building the everything exchange for everyone.
How to Swap Tokens on Jupiter: Step By Step
Jupiter Swap: Jupiter Swap tab (the current tab you are in) where you can instantly spot swap for any supported SPL token. Jupiter Limit Order: Jupiter Limit Order tab where you can place limit orders at a specific price and receive tokens directly in …
How to Swap on Jupiter - station.jup.ag
Review the swap route and output token amounts. Choose between Auto or Manual mode for Settings. We recommend Auto for starters. After you have confirmed all the parameters and inputs, click on the Swap button, and you will be prompted with a confirmation from your wallet. If you Confirm, your swap will be sent to the blockchain, to be finalized.
Understanding Jupiter Swap: Smart Routing & Features
The Jupiter Swap is a decentralized exchange aggregator designed to provide the best rates for swapping SPL tokens on the Solana blockchain. It routes trades through multiple liquidity sources to ensure optimal prices, low slippage, and efficient transaction execution.
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Please use the Swap API at your own discretion. The Jupiter UI at https://jup.ag/ contains multiple safeguards, warnings and default settings to guide our users to trade safer. Jupiter is not liable for losses incurred by users on other platforms.
Jupiter Swap | Quickstart
Nov 4, 2024 · A high level overview of how swap works: Token created, market created on any AMMs (we support most!). Our indexer picks it up immediately, and regardless of liquidity requirements, they are tradable.
Jupiter Swap | Quickstart - station.jup.ag
You get an abstracted swap experience with Auto mode by setting your Max Slippage and MEV protection. Jupiter will do the rest by configuring the best transaction fees and slippage based on your trade, heuristics, and market conditions.
Frequently Asked Questions | Jupiter Station
You can check your swap history on Jupiter, from the right menu. From this menu, you can click on the link to the block explorer to check the transaction. Block explorer allows you to check by using the "SOL Balance Change" and “Token Balance Change” tabs.
Welcome to Solana
Swap between any token on Solana with the best price and 0% fee using Jupiter's routing algorithm and seamless interface. Trade easy with Jupiter through DCA, Limit Order, Value Average and Perpetuals.
$JUP | Jupiter
How do I buy $JUP? You may set up Limit Orders & DCA Orders before $JUP goes live, and we will try to fill your orders when trading begins. After trading has begun, you can also claim your airdrop allocation and swap as usual.
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