What are the different types of Lokas? - Hinduism Stack Exchange
Sep 7, 2016 · Following this is the swarg loka, a world often mistakenly assumed heaven, this is where deities like Indra exist it is also home to various sages and gandharvas. Mythological …
How is it decided who goes to - Swarga or Pitri Lok?
Correction: According to the Puranas, those who propitiate Bhagavana Vishnu, Bhagavana Shiva or Bhagavati Adyashakti either reach their respective lokas (Vaikuntha, Shivaloka, Manidvipa) …
lokas - Distance between Bhur lok (Earth) and Indra lok?
Indra lok is same as Swarg lok as Indra is considered the king of Swa lok or Swarga lok (heaven). As per Vishnu Puran, the distance between bhulok (earth) and swalok (heaven) would be 1 …
How is Heaven described in Hindu scriptures?
Mar 20, 2019 · We all have read that if we do bad we will go to Hell (Narak Lok) and bear all punishments for our misdeeds/adharma and lot of description about Hell and punishments are …
puranas - Why did Rukmini stop Lord Krishna from eating beaten …
In two hand beaten rice Krishan has already given Sudama to Swarg lok & Prithvi lok's vaibhav. He was about to give his own Vaikunth dham for third hand beaten rice, seeing this Godess …
Are heaven and pitri lok the same place? - Hinduism Stack Exchange
Jul 23, 2022 · why should they go to swarg or narak ? those are not the only 2 locations. there is pitru lok, gandharva lok, yaksha lok, naga lok, any number of lokas one can go depending on …
How many years was Arjuna in Svarga? - Hinduism Stack Exchange
Nov 28, 2015 · The Vana Parva says "And those brilliant regions that are seen from the earth in the form of stars, like lamps (in the sky)--so small in consequence of their distance, though …
What are the vedic references for swarga? - Hinduism Stack …
Mar 5, 2018 · We find direct mentioning of concept of Swarga in of Atharva Veda kanda 12 -Sukta 3- Which is called "SwargaonDana Sukta" - An accompaniment to the preparation and …
Where is the exact location of Patala-Loka?
Nov 8, 2018 · The term Pataal-Lok slowly began to be applied to lands outside India. The Vedas which predate the Puranas hardly mention the Pataala-Loka, but do mention certain foreign …
rebirth - What are the luxuries of Swarga Loka? And how Swarga …
Jan 3, 2021 · What are the luxuries of Swarga Loka? And how Swarga Loka has been defined in the Vedas? It is a place of material happiness.