Find Your School By Address - Toronto District School Board
To find all streets in a school attendance area, please select a school from the dropdown list.
Find Your School - Toronto District School Board
Browse by alphabetical school listing or fill in your address in the search box to locate a school in your area.
Toronto District School Board
Follow TDSB Our Mission To enable all students to reach high levels of achievement and well-being and to acquire the knowledge, skills and values they need to become responsible, …
TDSB Map - Alloway Property Group
The TDSB Map tool is designed to help residents of Toronto easily locate their local TDSB school zones, wards, and trustee information. By entering your address, the tool will automatically …
Toronto District School Board - ArcGIS
Toronto District School Board - ArcGIS
Toronto District Schools(TDSB) - ArcGIS
Type your Address/Postal code, and adjust the search radius; all the schools in that radius will be listed out grade-wise.
List of secondary schools in the Toronto District School Board
Most TDSB secondary institutions operate as a collegiate institute, and provide secondary education in all types of subjects available (Arts, Tech, French, etc.) from grades 9–12 levels. …
Giftedness Secondary School Finder - TDSB
For those students who have been recommended a Gifted ISP placement through the TDSB IPRC process, parents can use the link below to find their Secondary Gifted ISP site location.
GTA School Map
Interactive map of public schools in the Greater Toronto Area (GTA). Incorporates data from Toronto, York Region, Peel, Durham, Halton, Hamilton-Wentworth, Upper Grand, and …
Tdsb map - Tdsb schools map (Canada) - maps. Toronto
The TDSB is the largest school board in Canada and the 4th largest in North America. There are more than 250,000 students in nearly 600 schools within the TDSB as you can see in tdsb …