Toledo Public Schools offers information and resources for students, parents, and the community.
Home - Start High School
Students from Start High School’s Residential Remodeling program have built an outdoor playground playhouse for the students at Grove Patterson Academy. ...
Home - Bowsher High School
Students from Start High School’s Residential Remodeling program have built an outdoor playground playhouse for the students at Grove Patterson Academy. ...
TPS Community Schools - Toledo Public Schools
TPS Community Schools Provide Top-Rated Curriculum and Extracurriculars. Toledo Public Schools is committed to providing every student with a comprehensive curriculum, inclusive extracurricular programs and heartfelt encouragement.
Home - Woodward High School
Students from Start High School’s Residential Remodeling program have built an outdoor playground playhouse for the students at Grove Patterson Academy. ...
Home - Rogers High School
Students from Start High School’s Residential Remodeling program have built an outdoor playground playhouse for the students at Grove Patterson Academy. ...
Departments - Toledo Public Schools - TPS
Why TPS? Title IX - Student Involved Sexual Harassment (1) Teachers & Support Staff; Administrators; Non-instructional Staff; Substitutes; Collective Bargaining Agreements; ... TPS Proud Unites; Family and School Collaborative; PTO/Boosters; Foster Care, Truancy, District Resources; McKinney-Vento/Homeless;
Online Enrollment - Toledo Public Schools - TPS
You are a new PreSchool or Kindergarten Student who has never attended School before (see eligibility requirements below). You are a new student who has never attended Toledo Public Schools before. You attended TPS in years past, but NOT last year, and are moving back to TPS.
TPS - Home - Aerospace & Natural Science Academy of Toledo
The Aerospace & Natural Science Academy of Toledo is the school for you. Located at Toledo Express Airport, the academy is open to students throughout northwest Ohio. It has a Career Tech focus in several growing industries: aviation and aeronautics; animal science and management; urban agriculture and agribusiness and environmental ...
Home - Beverly Elementary
Students from Start High School’s Residential Remodeling program have built an outdoor playground playhouse for the students at Grove Patterson Academy. ...