Initial Thoughts on TX5 Lonestar | saddlehunter.com
Feb 6, 2022 · I’m still green in saddle hunting. I’ve probably got 15 sits and one doe kill under my belt. Just started this hunting season in November. I began the saddle hunting journey with a Tethrd Phantom kit. Inevitably the SH.com community got my interest peaked into trying a different saddle, so I ordered TX5 because of the custom-ability of it.
TX5 LONESTAR 2.0 - saddlehunter.com
Jul 12, 2023 · I just got the tx5 lonestar 2.0 all I can say is it’s probably one of the best saddles on the market if not the best. Very comfortable with the xpd panel you won’t go wrong with a tx5 2.0 Reactions: Rutman , Daren Russell , Plebe and 1 other person
TX5 Custom Gear - saddlehunter.com
Mar 25, 2021 · I think what sets the TX5 apart is the fact that he is a small company. He is only sewing small batches. It is truly a custom saddle. And he is actually sitting in them. He isn't just a guy at a machine. He's also his biggest critic. He's ever evolving. Trying to find what could make it better. And yes the saddle cups very well.
ISO tx5 tree stand suspension or similar | saddlehunter.com
Sep 27, 2024 · ISO tx5 tree stand suspension or something similar of same quality!!! Home. Forums. New posts Search forums.
TX5 Lonestar Review - saddlehunter.com
Oct 25, 2021 · The Amsteel-on-amsteel design bit HARD, meaning you had to "manually" loose the prussic to get the bridge to slide. The latitude was much easier to adjust, but the tender combined with Amsteel-on-Oplux on the TX5 is super smooth. One handed operation. The bridge height adjustment (angle on the loops of the saddle) is super easy to adjust.
Dryad killdeer/mini drey or tx5 minimalist for hybrid setup?
Apr 16, 2023 · TX5 was great to work with and very responsive, kind of bummed it didn't work. Similar to the dryad killeer, the TX5 minimalist was not comfortable in just the belt and leg straps configuration - deploying the mesh saddle/seat improved the comfort, but the position of the lower webbing ruined it due to the pressure points, as noted above.
TX5 Minimalist - saddlehunter.com
Dec 24, 2022 · Most of my sits are less than 4 hours. I do One Stick with a platform but also use multiple sticks in certain situations. I’ve seen some people one stick with a lightweight small locks, that is something that I may consider for the future. I am more of a leaner than a sitter in the saddle when I have a platform.
TX5 Saddle by Matthew Tompkins - saddlehunter.com
Dec 16, 2019 · Got to try out a TX5 saddle by Matthew Tompkins yesterday afternoon ( @setxhunter). Matthew lives close by and after talking a few days with him he swung by the house on his way to work. I had spent the previous 2 hours in my mantis in the back yard working on trying to find a "sweet spot" for comfort.
TX5 Yes or No? and other need guy questions - saddlehunter.com
Aug 17, 2023 · TX5 is at the top when it comes to saddle quality, comfort, features, and customer service. I also doubt that you will be dissatisfied with the platform and sticks you mentioned. They are both quality. You may find in time that you prefer something different, but that will be due to preference and not quality IMO.
TX5 going out business or joining latitude???? - saddlehunter.com
Jun 7, 2024 · TX5 is one of the longest running small custom saddle companies out there and they make great products. I doubt they are going anywhere. Last I heard, he had hired people to help grow his operations.