Tổng hợp Download Map MobaZ – mobavietnam.com
Nếu bạn là những con nghiện game vào đầu những năm 2010 thì chắc hẳn các bạn không còn xa lạ gì với thể loại game Moba huyền thoại một thời Defense of the Ancients hay còn gọi là DotA.
Best Dota 1 Ai Map: Dota 6.88 Ai Download - Warcraft 3 Wiki
Here you can download Dota 6.88 Ai the official Dota Ai Map Download. Get the latest Dota 1 Map Download here (Ai Version). Dota Allstars 6.88 Ai has been created by a chinese player (and is translated to english). Dota 6.88 Ai includes new items: Dragon Lance, Faerie Fire, Solar Crest, Octarine Core, Tome of Knowledge and Blight Stone.
DotA 6.83d AI 1.4e - Warcraft III Maps
Select one to join in the epic from 112 unique heroes in ruins Battle in. Press F9 for map information. For more information visit www.PlayDotA.com.
DotA v6.81b AI 1.2.0 Rev 3 - Warcraft 3 Maps - Epic War.com
Choose from 112 unique heroes in an epic battle to defend the Ancients.
40+ Download DOTA AI Maps - LISTPH
Jan 3, 2015 · Before, I am also an addict DotA player, and I have a collection of over 50 DotA AI maps that I wanted to share with you guys out there. My oldest classic map is the DotA Allstars v5.84c AI item plus and DotA Allstars v5.84c AI. These two maps are also included below.
DotA v6.83d - Warcraft 3 Maps - Epic War.com
DotA v6.83d by IceFrog Choose from 112 unique heroes in an epic battle to defend the Ancients. Maps are provided as is and are guaranteed to be without errors.
Game Miễn Phí - Warcraft 3 gốc - Dota 1 no hackmap ... - VN-Z
Apr 5, 2020 · Nếu các bạn chưa có map thì chọn Download, Mình đã có sẵn map mới nhất nên các bạn chỉ cần Copy file "DotA_Allstars_6.90a8" vào trong thư mục Warcraft III\Maps. Ví dụ mình cài đặt Warcraft ở ổ D thì sẽ có đường dẫn sau: D:\Soft\Game\Warcraft III\Maps.
DotA 6.77 AI Fun v2.7c Map Download - Dota-Utilities
The DotA 6.77 AI 1.1.7 Fun 2.7c map has been released. This map is a modified/enhanced version of official DotA 6.77 AI which contains 45 extra heroes and items just for fun. It contains Old Lifestealer, Silencer, Cloud Strife, Spongebob and other new concept heroes.
DotA IMBA 1.0 AI EN Download - DotA IMBA Map - Dota-Utilities
Sep 16, 2013 · DotA IMBA is certainly an imbalance map, It has IMBA-fied abilities of every hero in DotA. Imagine meat hook with 3500 range and POTM's Elune arrow going through the whole map. More powerful items. Improved visual effects for spells, items and auras. Ported to latest version of DotA.
DotA v6.87A1 LoD - Warcraft 3 Maps - Epic War.com
Get the latest map on www.legendsofdota.com !
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