Tak (game) - Wikipedia
Tak is a two-player abstract strategy game that first existed fictionally within Patrick Rothfuss's fantasy trilogy, The Kingkiller Chronicle, before being brought to life by James Ernest in collaboration with Rothfuss, and published by Cheapass Games in 2016.
Tak | Board Game | BoardGameGeek
Tak is a two-player abstract strategy game dreamed up by Pat Rothfuss in "The Wise Man's Fear" and made reality by James Ernest. In Tak, players attempt to make a road of their pieces connecting two opposite sides of the board.
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Tak - Squarespace
How to Play Tak Game Rules I: by James Ernest ak is a simple two-player strategy game. The goal is to build a road, a line of pieces connecting opposite sides of the board. The Board You can play Tak on different sizes of board, from 3x3 to 6x6 and higher. The board on the back of this book is a “hybrid 5x5” board, meaning that it
Cheapass Games Tak: University Edition - 2 Player Abstract Board Game …
May 17, 2023 · Tak is a two-player abstract strategy game dreamed up by Pat Rothfuss in "The Wise Man's Fear" and made reality by James Ernest. In Tak, players attempt to make a road of their pieces connecting two opposite sides of the board.
- Reviews: 145
Tak Board Game — Crab Fragment Labs
Tak is a two-player game that uses a square board and stacking pieces. Players win by creating a road, which is a line of pieces that connects opposite sides of the board. On each turn, you can either place a new piece in an empty space, or move a stack of pieces that you control.
Tak: A Beautiful Game by Cheapass Games — Kickstarter
Nov 22, 2021 · Cheapass Games is raising funds for Tak: A Beautiful Game on Kickstarter! Tak is a new abstract strategy game created by James Ernest and Patrick Rothfuss, based on the game in The Wise Man's Fear.
Play Tak
Tak Talk Discord for community discussion, asynchronous games, daily puzzles, homemade sets, and more. White always moves first, though they place a Black stone on their first move.
Tak - GitHub Pages
Play online Tak games. Tak is a strategy board game created by James Ernest and Patrick Rothfuss
US Tak Association - USTak.org
The US Tak Association is a nonprofit organization dedicated to supporting and promoting the game of Tak in the United States and worldwide. Our organization has two primary goals: to educate the public about the game of Tak, and to provide opportunities for fair and competitive play to our members.
The Fantasy Game of Tak | Hidden History
Feb 25, 2025 · The board game Tak (pronounced to rhyme with “back”) originally appeared as a prop in the fantasy/scifi book series The Kingkiller Chronicle, and was then brought to life in the real world. A 5x5 Tak playing board and game pieces History In 1994, aspiring author Patrick Rothfuss began work on his first book, a scifi/fantasy story which…