Rakshasa, Tataka - d20PFSRD
Tataka rakshasas are the least subtle and largest of their kind. They are philosophers and fanatics, loyal servants of the rakshasa immortals. Their familiarity with religion and its …
Tataka - Monsters - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database
Tataka rakshasas are the least subtle and largest of their kind. They are philosophers and fanatics, loyal servants of the rakshasa immortals. Their familiarity with religion and its …
Tataka - Wikipedia
Tāṭakā is a minor yakṣī antagonist in the Rāmāyaṇa. Along with her son, Mārīca, Tāṭakā would harass and attack sages performing yajñas in the forest. They were ultimately slain by Rāma …
Rakshasa - d20PFSRD
There are seven castes in rakshasa society (from lowest to greatest): pagala (traitors), goshta (food), adhura (novices), darshaka (servants), paradeshi (rakshasa-kin), hakima (lords), and …
Rakshasa - Pathfinder Roleplaying Game
Tataka rakshasas are more than zealots, though, and they train from an early age in martial arts—their strikes can break bones as surely as any unarmed strike from a monk or other …
Tataka - PathfinderWiki
Tatakas are a species of unsubtle rakshasa philosophers who fanatically serve the rakshasa immortals. 1. Appearance. A tataka resembles a humanoid with backward-facing hands and a …
Maricha - Wikipedia
Cursed to be a rakshasa along with his mother Tataka and brother Subahu, Maricha initially led his life terrorizing sages. He was defeated by Rama at the behest of the sage Vishvamitra. He …
PFS: Rakshasa, Tataka
Tataka rakshasas are the least subtle and largest of their kind. They are philosophers and fanatics, loyal servants of the rakshasa immortals. Their familiarity with religion and its …
Monster Families - Archives of Nethys: Pathfinder RPG Database
The skin of a rakshasa is remarkably resistant to physical damage, able to ignore or greatly reduce most weapon attacks. Holy weapons capable of piercing this skin, however, can reach …
Life Story of Tataka Ramayana - kidelight.com
Tataka's life took a dramatic turn when she married Sunda, a powerful demon (Rakshasa). Sunda was the son of Jamba, a renowned demon, and together, Tataka and Sunda became a …
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