Acetone peroxide - Wikipedia
It is produced by the reaction of acetone and hydrogen peroxide to yield a mixture of linear monomer and cyclic dimer, trimer, and tetramer forms. The monomer is dimethyldioxirane. …
TATP is a homemade explosive (HME) that has seen widespread illicit use over the last two decades. The first reported terrorist attack using TATP took place in Israel in 1980, and US …
TAPD-敏捷开发 项目管理 腾讯敏捷产品研发平台
TAPD是源自于腾讯的敏捷产品研发协作平台,提供贯穿敏捷开发生命周期的一站式服务。 覆盖从产品概念形成、产品规划、需求分析、项目规划和跟踪、质量测试到构建发布、用户反馈跟踪 …
Fish & Wildlife Division — MHA Nation
Provides assistance to the TATPD when requested. Provides and assists with wake/funeral escorts when requested by the families having lost loved ones. All Enrolled Tribal Members. …
TATP: The Chemistry of 'Mother of Satan' Explosive
Nov 14, 2018 · Chemists call it triacetone triperoxide (TATP), and it is one nasty molecule. (See the diagram of its molecular structure.) TATP is extremely unusual. Note that it has 9 atoms …
Triacetone triperoxide | C9H18O6 | CID 4380970 - PubChem
Highly volatile; decomposes via an entropically favorable mechanism to form 4 gas phase molecules /SRP: decomposition products include acetone and hydrogen peroxide / O'Neil, …
Triacetone Triperoxide (TATP) - GlobalSecurity.org
TATP has been used by suicide bombers in Israel, and was chosen as a detonator in 2001 by the thwarted "shoe bomber" Richard Reid. It can be as or more powerful than military analogs. …
Acetone peroxide – ordinary ingredients for an extraordinary explosive
Jul 20, 2005 · Common household ingredients - paint thinners (acetone), bleach or antiseptic (hydrogen peroxide), and a powerful drain unblocker (>85 per cent sulphuric acid) - can be …
Triacetone triperoxide, TATP, is a simple but a powerful explosive. It has three acetone molecules joined together by O–O linkages. It is a primary explosive, white crystalline powder with an …
The TATPD, a department of the Tonto Apache Tribe, is the primary law enforcement agency charged with the duty to provide law enforcement services to the lands under jurisdiction of the …