Ludo - TAVAT SoupCan | Acetates Collection
Introducing Ludo, the suave and intelligent shape, that serves as a reminder that anyone can be charming, confident, and elegant. You never play your hand. You play the man across from you.
Tavat - Ludo SC052 SLT – BLACKZMITH Optical
品牌中炙手可熱的 TAVAT - SoupCan 系列保留經典罐頭湯鋁罐的精髓,注入新靈感與元素,人手打造出大熱眼鏡型號! SC052 Ludo 六角形鏡框以高品質的 Mazzucchelli 意大利板材提供低 …
SoupCan - TAVAT Eyewear
TAVAT’s “SoupCan” Collection is inspired by the way frames were thought to be made in 1930’s America. Each frame embraces both craft and technology, past and future, simplicity and …
【意大利手造 TAVAT SC052 Ludo 六角形鏡框 】 #板材鏡框 #機 …
Feb 21, 2025 · 品牌中炙手可熱的 TAVAT - SoupCan 系列保留經典罐頭湯鋁罐的精髓,注入新靈感與元素,人手打造出大熱型號 SC052 Ludo! TAVAT 受罐頭湯啟發所製的經典 SoupCan …
亦因為 TAVAT 從不積極回應世俗對潮流的訴求,促使了其與眾不同的定位能在市場上瞬間開花,當中以 Soupcan Collection 最為人津津樂道,將金屬的質感發揮得淋漓盡致,不會盲目追求 …
Optical Collection - TAVAT Eyewear
Eyewear crafted by hand yet we incorporate modern materials, innovative production methods and ethical business practices.
Tavat / Ludo - SC052-BLH - Centro Ottico Galileo Galilei
Il modello Tavat Ludo in colore Blue Havana blu è un occhiale da vista disegnato a Pasadena in California e prodotto artigianalmente in Italia in acciaio e acetato di alta qualità.
Tavat - Gözhan Optik
Tavat optik gözlük modelleri de tıpkı güneş gözlüklerinde olduğu gibi hem şık hem kalitelidir. Marka optik gözlük alanında da hem erkeklere hem kadınlara hitap edecek unisex modeller …
Matsuda / M3101 - Centro Ottico Galileo Galilei
Modello M3101, occhiale da vista esagonale in titanio con incisioni sulle aste e sul ponte. Dalla sua fondazione nel 1967 a Tokyo, Mastuda combina artigianato e influenze del mondo …
Oct 29, 2020 · TAVAT品牌底下外觀辨識度最高的鏡款「Soupcan」系列,同時具功能性、鑑賞價值的獨特鉸鏈是一大特色,TAVAT眼鏡造工複雜細緻,來自工匠們試戴傳承的技術與經驗, …