Edfu - Wikipedia
Edfu is the site of the Ptolemaic Temple of Horus and an ancient settlement, Tell Edfu. About 5 km (3.1 mi) south of Edfu are remains of ancient pyramids.
The Tell Edfu Project (TEP) - ARCE
Edfu displays all the characteristic elements of an early urban center, and currently this is one of the last well-preserved ancient Egyptian towns that has still much potential for archaeological …
Tell Edfu Project | Yale Egyptology
About the Tell Edfu Project. The remains of the ancient town of Edfu are situated on the west bank of the Nile, halfway between Luxor and Aswan. Two toponyms, Behedet and Djeba, are …
Tell Edfu Project | UCAN | Archaeology
This project has combined survey and excavation to explore the urban structure of the 6 hectare settlement during the late third and early second millennia BC. The project has provided …
Tell Edfu: Excavations of the Governor’s residence of the late …
Since its inception, the Tell Edfu Project has investigated many different areas of the ancient tell. The main areas of research have been the Old Kingdom settlement area, the Governor's …
Tell Edfu - Uncovering a provincial capital in Upper Egypt
It has been possible to follow the overall development of this settlement quarter, from the oldest layers of occupation founded directly onto the natural ground to the last preserved remains …
The 2010 season of the Tell Edfu Project was marked by the longest field season in the proj-ect’s history, which lasted for two and a half months, spanning the period from October to mid …
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tell edfu 2011–2012 annual report 155 at Saqqara, to the two pyramids at Zawiet el-Aryan, and to the Meïdoum pyramid, all built in the construction method called “accretion layers.” Typical for …
Tell Edfu Project | Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures
Tell Edfu Project Section Navigation navigateright. Main Page Content. Institute for the Study of Ancient Cultures The University of Chicago 1155 E 58th St. Chicago, IL 60637. ISAC Museum …
Overview of other Edfu monuments | Yale Egyptology - Yale …
Located on the southwestern edge of Tell Edfu were the tombs and funerary monuments of the local elite used from the late Old Kingdom (Dynasties 6, 2345-2160 BCE) through the end of …
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