M-84 - Wikipedia
The M-84 is a Yugoslav main battle tank based on the Soviet T-72. It is still in service with Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Slovenia and Kuwait.
M-84 – Wikipedija
U tenk je ugrađena i dobra zaštita od radijacije i djelovanje kemijskih i bioloških oružja. Osnovni M-84 bili su opremljeni s 12-cilindričnim vodom hlađenim V46-6 Dieselovim motorom, snage 574 kW. Poboljšani M-84A ima moderniji i jači V46-TK 735 kW (1,000 KS) motor.
M-84 - Tank Encyclopedia
Regarded as one of the best copies of the T-72 main battle tank, the M-84 was a unique product of the Yugoslavian geopolitical situation, combining an Eastern license with Western technology, the tenacity of its own military industry, and the long-standing aspirations of …
M-84AS1 - Wikipedia
Domestic first-generation explosive reactive armour was applied (comparable to Kontakt-5), covering a bigger area of the front turret and a sizeable portion of the front plate, providing better protection.
M-84 — Википедија
М-84 је основни борбени тенк треће генерације произведен у СФРЈ на основу лиценце совјетског тенка Т-72М. Коришћен је у свим сукобима на просторима бивше Југославије као и у операцији „Пустињска олуја“ у саставу кувајтских снага. Упоредо са разбијањем СФРЈ распао се и ланац производње овог тенка због чега се …
M-84 MBT - Army Recognition
Nov 19, 2024 · It comes with the new SUV-M-84 computerized fire-control system, including the DNNS-2 gunner's day/night sight, with independent stabilization in two planes and an integral laser rangefinder.
M-84 in Iraqi Service - Tank Encyclopedia
Sep 23, 2024 · Despite its good relations and close cooperation in the military sphere with SFR Yugoslavia, no M-84 tanks were ever sold to Ba’athist Iraq. However, an unknown number of these tanks did end up in Iraqi possession after their occupation of Kuwait, which was the only foreign buyer of the Yugoslavian main battle tank.
Osnovni borbeni tenk M-84 - Đuro Đaković
Osnovni borbeni tenk M-84. Tenk M-84 je utemeljen na ruskom tenku T-72 i odlikuje se najvećim primjenjenim kalibrom topa i učinkovitim streljivom, automatskim punjenjem topa, malom masom i niskom siluetom, te dobrom zaštitom.
M-84AS - Wikipedia
Developed originally from the M-84, the M-84AS is more than just a quick tweak to bring it up to standard. Many improvements were adopted from what can be argued to be its sister tank, the T-90S. With slight differences in armour and maneuverability; the T-90S is better armored while the M-84AS is faster and more maneuverable.
Zanimljivost dana: Tenk M-84 – „svetski, a naš“ - Auto Republika
Jan 17, 2021 · Po mnogim detaljima budući M-84 je značajno podsećao na sovjetskog rođaka. Top kalibra sa 125 mm je zapravo bio moćniji od većine konkurenata, a mogao se pohvaliti i sa dva mitraljeza sa 7,6 mm i 12,7 mm. Dužina je iznosila 6,8 …