Tesla turbine - Wikipedia
The Tesla turbine is a bladeless centripetal flow turbine invented by Nikola Tesla in 1913. [1] It functions as nozzles apply a moving fluid to the edges of a set of discs. The engine uses …
How the Tesla Turbine Works | HowStuffWorks
This rotary motion can be used in a variety of ways, from powering pumps, blowers and compressors to running cars and airplanes. In fact, Tesla claimed that the turbine was the …
Disk Pumps, Disc Pumps, Adaptek Disc Pumps - Tesla Disk Pumps
TESLA DISK PUMPS™ are specifically engineered products designed to meet your challenging process requirements. Our pumps are built for toughness and durability against abrasive …
Multidisciplinary design and manufacturing of a Tesla pump …
Oct 15, 2024 · Boundary layer pumps, also known as Tesla pumps, friction pumps or shear-force pumps, are made of smooth, numerous small spaced co-axial parallel discs keyed on a drive …
Tesla Turbine Design and the Theory of Operation of an Industrial Tesla ...
In the Tesla pump design, a motor spins the discs, which then suck in fluid through the exhaust holes. This pump is useful for applications with excessively viscous, abrasive, solid-containing, …
The Tesla Steam Turbine
The turbine used as a pump. This little pump, driven by a motor of 1/12 horse-power, is here shown delivering 40 gallons of water per minute against a 9-foot head.
Tesla Turbine Pump (from Internet Glossary of Pumps)
Tesla Turbine Pump On October 21st, 1909, Nikola Tesla (an inventor of many ingenious items) filed a patent for a pump which uses smooth rotating disks inside a volute casing. Tesla's …
Design and CFD Simulation of Tesla Pump - ResearchGate
Jun 7, 2021 · Therefore, this study entails the design, construction and CFD simulation of a 3D Tesla pump model axisymmetric swirling flow in order to enhance the understanding of Tesla …
019 – Nikola Tesla Museum
Tesla’s Pump The first model of the Tesla pump with discs without blades on which he tested the new drive principle. From about 1908, Tesla was researching a new way of transferring energy …
What is a Tesla Turbine : Working & Its Applications - ElProCus
Tesla’s turbine due to its output power and specifications has limited applications. Some of them are mentioned below. Compression of liquids; Pumps; Vane type turbine applications; Blood …