Crossing the Thames Estuary - YBW Forum
Mar 10, 2024 · I then took up the sport of Kayaking for a couple of years and lastly raced powerboats at Championship Level, (I won the Scottish Nationals way back in the 90s and …
Crossing the Thames Estuary - YBW Forum
Oct 13, 2011 · I bought Imray C1 for the Thames Estuary (Woodbridge to Ramsgate) and Admiralty SC5602 (Chichester to Ramsgate) for the journey.. You are welcome to borrow …
Thames Estuary - YBW Forum
Dec 8, 2001 · Re: Thames Estuary - Clubs Hi, yes used to be marketing officer at a Thames based club, my wife was Treasurer but all the club did was get pi**ed all the time and have …
Favourite overnight anchorages in the Thames Estuary
Jan 1, 2002 · A little further up the Thames there are no end of anchorages. The Ship and Lobster at Greenhithe come to mind as does Dartford Creek, Sunshine Creek opposite Grays, Erith …
Notices to Marienrs - Week 7 | YBW Forum
Nov 5, 2002 · SN Chart 1609 - England - East Coast, Thames Estuary, Knock John Channel to Sea Reach. 1:25,000 SN Chart 2693 - International Chart Series, England - East Coast, …
Crossing the Thames Estuary - advice please... - YBW Forum
Nov 23, 2004 · The journey is Southwold to Ramsgate. We'd pretty much got the timings about right going from Harwich and on the way back would often have 80-90 percent favourable …
Crossing The Thames Estuary - YBW Forum
Apr 15, 2022 · Ebb out of Thames and Flood up the Medway. Boat uses around 12 litres of fuel an hour at those speeds. Club is charging £1.24 per litre at the moment. To put things in …
crossing the thames estuary - YBW Forum
Jul 9, 2010 · Welcome to the Thames Estuary! Leave Ramsgate (the waypoint, not the marina berth) at HW Sheerness and you can expect to be at the Black Deep waypoint facing the Sunk …
Thames Estuary One Design 'Ripple' - YBW Forum
Aug 31, 2008 · Re: Thames Estuary One Design \'Ripple\' Thank you for your help, it was through a google search that lead me to this forum. It was a discussion that went on in 2006 and I …
Crossing Thames Estuary - YBW Forum
Jun 12, 2007 · The only hard bit is crossing the Sunk sand. There are 3 crossing-places; most people seem to go west of the "Sunk" beacon where there is about 1.6m at LW on the chart.