The 10 Pronunciations of -ough - IELTS Online Tests
Aug 1, 2020 · In American English, the -ough is pronounced /əʊ/, the oh sound in go. Another example of this pattern is borough. cough - /ɒ/, the o sound in off, followed by an /f/.
Interactive Phonogram Chart - Logic of English
Explore our Interactive Phonogram Chart featuring audio and visual references for the 75 most common phonograms. This tool helps students and teachers alike master phonograms with ease, improving reading and spelling skills.
Read each word in the box. Say the sound that ough. makes. Then write the word in the chart under the word that ough or augh rhymes with. Basic: Write the Basic Word that completes each sentence. 1. A mother and her. 2. The little girl had. 3. Every day, the child’s. 4. Her sore throat made her voice and scratchy. 5. The girl couldn’t sleep. 6.
"OUGH" What a Story! - BusyTeacher
This is a worksheet I developed to help my ESL students with the ever difficult OUGH pronunciation. There is a short silly story and a chart with the most common British and American English "-ough" words.
8 ways to say 'ough' worksheets | PPT - SlideShare
Feb 4, 2014 · The document discusses eight different ways that the letters "ough" can be pronounced in English words. It provides a table with example words for each pronunciation of "ough", including the words "though", "dough", "through", …
Eight different ways to say 'ough' in English - Simple English …
We write ‘ough’ but how do we pronounce it? In this lesson we look at eight different ways we say the letter combination ‘ough’. We’ve also made a reference chart that you can download for free by clicking here.
In these words <ough> sounds like the ~aw in saw. This spelling pattern occurs in a few Past Simple verbs, like the common examples above, but also in the less-used verbs sought (from seek), wrought (from an old version of ‘work’). We also find it …
OUGH word chart by Shelley Brooks - TPT
Here is a chart that lists the sounds and the words that use each sound. This is a great reference sheet to help students learn and master these words. Students can decode each column of words by looking at the sound clue at the top of each column.
The Complete List of English Spelling Rules - Really Learn English
In this series of lessons, you will learn useful spelling rules in English. This lesson talks about different ways to pronounce - ough, which usually comes at the end of English words. There are several different ways, so we will learn words in groups. Download a …
7 Pronunciations of OUGH
Feb 23, 2015 · OUGH is one of the most confusing spellings in English pronunciation. Here we highlight 7 pronunciations of OUGH with audio.