Therevidae - Wikipedia
When exposed to light, the larvae of the Therevidae dig back into the substrate with rapid movements. Adults feed mainly on nectar, honeydew, and pollen, but they occasionally feed on liquid secretions of animal or vegetable origin.
Stiletto Flies (Therevidae) – Illinois Natural History Survey
The predaceous larvae are hidden within dry, friable, often sandy substrates. Consequently, larvae of these flies may well be excellent control agents of active fossorial arthropod pests in sandy agroecosystems.
Family Therevidae - Stiletto Flies - BugGuide.Net
Apr 7, 2024 · The long, serpentine larvae hunt rapidly slithering through soil and may be mistaken for potworms or earthworms
therevid larva - BugGuide.Net
Found under rock in mixed forest. Moved from Flies. John F. Carr, 25 April, 2016 - 8:35pm. Select your preferred way to display the comments and click 'Save settings' to activate your changes. An online resource devoted to North American insects, spiders and their kin, offering identification, images, and information.
Ecology of BAP-listed therevids Therevid larvae were sampled in 188 quadrats at two sites on the Usk, and one on each of the Bollin and Rother. Smaller larvae were preserved in the field and larger ones kept for rearing. Just over half 244 larvae collected live were reared to adults.
Therevid larva - BugGuide.Net
May 10, 2013 · An online resource devoted to North American insects, spiders and their kin, offering identification, images, and information.
The Clueless Gardeners - A Garden Blog: Therevid larva
Mar 16, 2008 · This year I was able to take pictures with out new Macro lens and confirm that these are Therevid Larva. These thin white worm like larva move much more quickly that you'd expect and when you pick them up they actually feel strong.
Habitat Partitioning by Therevids at Sand Ridge State Forest
If you were a ground-dwelling insect larva, one of your greatest fears would be to meet up with a stiletto fly larva (family Therevidae). These small, snakelike predators swim through sandy soils in search of food. They devour any insect larva they encounter, including other therevids.
Therevidae - faculty.ucr.edu
Larvae live in sandy soil where they feed on earthworms and various soft-bodied insects. Larvae of Phycus brunneus Wied. occurring in bat dung in India feed on dermestid larvae (Isaac 1925).
Parts of a Therevid Fly – Stiletto Flies (Therevidae)
larva (habitus photo) Nebritus powelli Webb & Irwin Larval characters (Diptera: Therevidae: Therevinae) 23 Head capsule, lateral view; antenna (ANT), metacephalic rod (MR) 24 Head capsule, dorsal view (top), ventral view (bottom); maxillary palpus (MP) 25 Prothorasic spiracle, lateral view 26 Posterior spiracle, dorsolateral view. Scale = 0.1 mm
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