Tilia ×europaea 'Pallida' - Van den Berk Nurseries
Tilia ×europaea 'Pallida' is fast growing and can eventually reach a height of 20 - 30 (35) m, fast growing, depending on the site and climate conditions.
Tilia ×europaea 'Pallida' - Van den Berk Boomkwekerijen
Tilia ×europaea 'Pallida' – Koningslinde Prijzen en beschikbaarheid Een goede selectie uit T. europaea met een doorgaande rechte stam en schuin opgaande takken.
Tilia × europaea - Trees and Shrubs Online
Tilia × europaea Kaiserlinde Group 'Pallida' is seen to its best advantage when grown as an isolated parkland tree, where it can achieve its natural width and height: in the absence of elms few trees can rival its magnificent columnar presence. Seen here in Showground field, Colesbourne, Gloucestershire, July 2012.
Tilia × europaea 'Pallida' | lime 'Pallida' Trees/RHS - RHS Gardening
lime 'Pallida' A large decidous tree over 30m in height, with ascending reddish-brown branches forming a broadly conical head. Rounded to heart-shaped, dark green leaves are yellow-green beneath and turn golden in autumn.
Tilia x europaea ‘Pallida’ Tree - Hillier Trees
Compared to Tilia x europaea, Pallida has a more compact spread, making it well-suited for formal avenues. One of the most renowned examples can be found in Berlin, along the famous lime avenue known as Unter den Linden, which originally extended from the …
A best seller at Deepdale Trees, Tilia ’Pallida’ is a fast growing, deciduous tree which establishes quickly. Tilia europaea is a hybrid which occurs naturally from parent plants Tilia cordata (small leaved lime) and Tilia platyphyllos (large leaved lime).
Tilia × europaea 'Pallida' - paleleaf European linden, Kaiser linden ...
4 days ago · Large leaves that are green above and yellow-green below are attractive in summer. Pale yellow flowers occur in early June. Broadly conical in youth, it becomes more rounded in age. Expect 60' tall and 40' wide in about 30 years.
TILIA x pallida - Pépinières Guillot Bourne II
Tolérant à tous les climats, très vigoureux. C'est l'un des arbres les plus faciles à former. Grand classique du tilleul d'alignement, très sensible aux échaudures, tronc à protéger impérativement. Bien adapté pour être conduit en rideaux palissés.
Tilia europaea Pallida - Common Lime or Kaiser Linden
Name: Tilia europaea Pallida. Common Name: Common Lime or Kaiser Linden. Family: Tiliaceae. Height: 20-30m. Demands: Suitable for most conditions and soil types. Tolerant of urban pollution. Foliage: Heart shaped green foliage with a yellow-green underside. Flower: Yellow-white flowers in clusters. Sweet smelling. Bark: Grey and grooved. Twigs ...
Tilia x europaea 'Pallida' - plandanjou.com
Jeunes rameaux et bourgeons fortement teintés de rouge en automne. Feuilles plus grandes que celles du type, vertes, à revers glauque plus ou moins lavé de jaune. Mêmes exigences et emplois que le type.