Make / do a task - WordReference Forums
Sep 9, 2016 · Perform a task might be even better.Task is quite a formal word compared to job.
Can you do a task or activity? - WordReference Forums
Aug 19, 2008 · Carry out a task, fulfil a task, complete a task, start a task, commence a task. They just flow better. Do some work, finish off work, start work...etc, Someone yesterday at work …
do / make a task - WordReference Forums
Feb 13, 2007 · "do a task" Me suena un poco raro "I have to do a task." "I am going to do a task." Parece más natural esto: The teacher gave us this task to do.
tasked to do something or tasked with something
Nov 20, 2021 · To be tasked with something is quite a formal construction, so, as usual, it would help to know the context for this rather strange statement.
do / make a project - WordReference Forums
Jun 13, 2008 · It should be "do a project". In general, use the verb do when you are performing an action or task. Use make when you are building or creating something.
Work on or at a task - WordReference Forums
Nov 11, 2011 · However, it seems 'task' is closer to 'homework' (something one does) than to 'being popular with the girls' (an objective). Thus, either my interpretation of the examples is …
It's a challenging task to/for me. | WordReference Forums
May 31, 2013 · Learning E nglish fully and fluently is a challenging task to me: Aprender inglés debe/tiene que/debe de ser un desafío para mí. (Decides que puede ser un desafío o no, …
My task is to do something vs my task is doing something
Jan 16, 2022 · Hi, everyone. Which sentence structure is correct to mention what our task is. For example, 1. My task is to clean the floor after the party. 2. My task is cleaning the floor after …
excited to do, excited doing, excited about doing
Jan 26, 2017 · The following sentences are made by me: A. I am excited to watch the baseball game. B. I was excited to watch the baseball game. C. I am excited about watching the …
bear to do/ bear doing - WordReference Forums
Nov 4, 2013 · Hi everyone!! Could you tell me the difference -if there's one- between bear to do sth something and bear doing sth something. For instance at this question."I can't bear having …