Juncus bufonius - Wikipedia
Juncus bufonius, known commonly as toad rush, is a widespread flowering plant species complex in the rush family Juncaceae. [1][2][3]
Toad Rush - calscape.org
Juncus bufonius, known as Toad Rush, is a common annual species in the Juncaceae family found worldwide. It grows in moist and muddy places and is considered a weed in many areas. …
Toad rush - What It Is & How To Control It - Collier Turf Care Ltd
Toad rush, as its name suggests, is a member of the rush family (juncaceae). An annual monocotyledon with small needle like leaves, a rust coloured base and with small green …
Juncus bufonius — toad rush - Go Botany
Toad rush has a nearly worldwide distribution. In New England it is found in a variety of wet, open habitats. Iroquois runners took an infusion of toad rush as an emetic to induce vomiting before …
Juncus bufonius L. - Calflora
Juncus bufonius is an annual grasslike herb that is native to California, and also found elsewhere in North America and beyond. This plant is available commercially. Jepson eFlora.
Toad Rush: Learn About Facts, Identification, & More - Wild …
Juncus bufonius, also known as toad rush or dwarf rush, is a species of rush plant that is native to Europe, Asia, and North America. It is a herbaceous perennial plant that typically grows in wet …
USDA Plants Database
toad rush Classification Kingdom Plantae - Plants: Subkingdom Tracheobionta - Vascular plants: Superdivision Spermatophyta - Seed plants: Division Magnoliophyta - Flowering plants: Class …
Toad Rush | Plants, Gardening, Landscaping - Botanikks
Juncus bufonius L. is a small, perennial herbaceous plant belonging to the Juncaceae family. It is also commonly known as toad rush, toad rush-grass, and the frog's rush.
Juncus bufonius (Toad Rush) - Minnesota Wildflowers
Photos and information about Minnesota flora - Toad Rush: open branching cluster, flowers single or heads of 2 to 4 at nodes, 6 tepals 3 to 6mm long, inner tepals shorter, capsules about as …
Toad Rush Plant Care & Growing Basics: Water, Light, Soil, …
Juncus bufonius, known commonly as toad rush, is a widespread flowering plant species complex in the rush family Juncaceae. Juncus bufonius is an annual monocot that is quite variable in …
Toad Rush - AquaPlant: Management of Pond Plants & Algae
Mar 28, 2018 · Learn more about Toad Rush. View plant photos, descriptions, maps, treatment options, and more.
Toad Rush - HerbiGuide
Toad Rush. Summary: A small tufted annual rush that often forms carpets in wet areas and turns red-brown when it dies with the onset of drought. Description: Cotyledons: One. First leaves: …
Toad Rush | VRO | Agriculture Victoria
Small narrow-leaved annual rush with many slender stems, 2-39 cm tall, often quite short and grass-like. The leaves are thin, straight and channelled. Small clusters of 1-8 pale to rusty …
Toad Rush - How to Get Rid of Taod Rush weed | Kiwicare
Toad rush is a common weed in cultivated land, paths and lawns. Toad rush varies in appearance but is usually low growing (3 cm up to 45 cm), tufted, pale green but with red colouration in dry …
How To Grow, Use and Care For Toad Rush Grass (Juncus Bufonius)
Dec 30, 2023 · Toad Rush, scientifically known as Juncus bufonius, is a small, grass-like plant belonging to the Juncaceae family. Widely distributed across North America, Europe, Asia, …
Toad Rush – Lawnpride Australia
Toad Rush is an annual monocot that is quite variable in appearance. It is sometimes described as a complex of variants labelled with one species name. It is generally a green, clumping, …
Toad Rush | NatureSpot
Slender almost grass like plant, usually reaching only 2 to 10cm in height. The very slender stem is either single or repeatedly branched at the base, and normally repeatedly forked above, with …
How to Grow and Care for Toad rush - PictureThis
Toad rush, also known as Toad grass, Common rush. Toad rush is a low-maintenance plant that typically thrives in moist, well-draining soils and tolerates a range of sunlight exposures, from …
Toad Rush - Greenway Weed Solutions
Toad Rush is a common species of rush found Australia-wide. It grows in moist conditions and is considered a weed in many areas. Toad Rush is an annual monocot that is quite variable in …
Juncus bufonius (Toad Rush, Toad Wood Rush, Toad Wood-Rush…
Juncus bufonius (also called Toad Rush, among many other common names) is a perennial grass-like plant that grows up to 40 cm tall. It is native to Europe and is found in wet meadows, …
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