Tope Shark – Discover Fishes - Florida Museum
Feb 12, 2025 · The tope shark is a large, slender houndshark (Family Triakidae), with a long snout and large mouth. Pronounced spiracles are located just behind the large, almond-shaped eyes. The first dorsal fin is much larger than the second dorsal.
Soupfin - Washington Department of Fish & Wildlife
The soupfin, or tope, shark is a large houndshark with a long, pointed snout and oval eyes. It has a large mouth with small triangular blade-like teeth with cusplets. When observed from the bottom the mouth is broadly arched.
Tope Shark: Galeorhinus galeus - sharks and rays
Tope Shark, Galeorhinus galeus, aka: soupfin shark and school shark. A widely ditributeted shark in temporate and subtropical seas. La Jolla Shores, San Diego, California, Eastern Pacific.
Tope Shark– Facts, Size, Behavior, Diet, Pictures - Shark Sider
The tope shark is a deep sea dwelling, migratory shark found worldwide. It is the only member of the genus Galeorhinus, belonging to the hound sharks of the Triakidae family. They are also known as school sharks, snapper sharks, liver-oil sharks, and soupfin sharks.
School shark - Wikipedia
The school shark is a small, shallow-bodied shark with an elongated snout. The large mouth is crescent-shaped and the teeth are of a similar size and shape in both jaws. They are triangular-shaped, small, and flat, set at an oblique angle facing backwards, serrated and with a notch.
Tope shark (Galeorhinus galeus) - MarLIN - The Marine Life …
The tope shark has a long and pointed snout and large oval shaped eyes. The second of the two dorsal fins is similar in size to the anal fin. Juveniles may have black markings on their fins.
Tope Shark – School Shark – sharksinfo.com
What Do Tope Sharks Look Like? The School sharks are dark grey to bluish color from the upper side and white from the underside of the belly. They have long slender bodies with elongated stick-like snouts and very large almond-shaped eyes.
Tope or School Shark is regarded by the IGFA as a game fish
Jan 11, 2022 · The easiest way to distinguish this shark from the similar-looking smoothhound is that the tope is able to close its eye with a membrane that moves over the eye from the bottom like an eyelid. Dogfish, like almost all bony fishes, cannot close their eyes!
Galeorhinus galeus tope :: Northern Ireland's Priority Species
The tope is a uniform grey colour above, and white beneath, with a long, pointed and flattened snout, and well-developed typical shark cutting teeth. It has a distinct hole (spiracle) behind the eye. They are solitary, although sometimes small shoals occur, and …
Tope Shark - Take Me Fishing
HOW TO IDENTIFY A TOPE SHARK. This species is characterized by a rather long, pointed snout, oval eye, and distinctive teeth, which have a sharp oblique cusp and 3-5 coarse basal serrations. The second dorsal fin is nearly over the anal fin and about the same size.