Top game assets tagged torch - itch.io
Find game assets tagged torch like Cave Explorer (Animated Pixel Art), Torch 32x32 Animated, Magic Castle Tileset, Game Items Pack #1, Pixel Torch & Skull Torch on itch.io, the indie game hosting marketplace
2D 16x16 Torch Sprite Pack with Animations - Itch.io
"Have you been looking for something specific? Something as specific as a Medieval, 2D, 16x16 Torch Asset Pack?? Well look no further!" (WIP) INFO: Contains 4 different Wall Torches, 3 different Ground Torches, 3 different Goblets & a Roman Fire Pit ; Unique Animations for each Torch (besides ground torch 1-2, they have the same animation)
Simple Torch Animation 16x16 | OpenGameArt.org
Apr 2, 2021 · A simple, tiny torch animation tile-set with a transparent background. Size: 16x16 pixels. Feel free to link your games in the comments, if you are using this asset! CC0 - Don't restrict other's use of this product :) Credit is appreciated!
Animated pixel torch - OpenGameArt.org
Feb 1, 2020 · Made this for my game, normal map is a bit messy but it's fine for me.Feel free to use. Single image of torch is 32x32 pixel.
#torch - Pixilart
Pixel art gallery created with the Pixilart Drawing Application - Pixilart, Free Online Pixel Drawing Application!
Top game assets tagged Pixel Art and torch - itch.io
Find game assets tagged Pixel Art and torch like Magic Castle Tileset, Cave Explorer (Animated Pixel Art), Pixel Torch & Skull Torch, VFX - FIRE VOL 3 - Pixel Art Effects, Pixel Art Torch on itch.io, the indie game hosting marketplace.
Top free game assets tagged torch - itch.io
Find game assets tagged torch like Torch 32x32 Animated, Cave Explorer (Animated Pixel Art), Pixel Torches - pixel torch - Big and small, Medieval Torch - Unity, Torch on itch.io, the indie game hosting marketplace
2D PixelArt Torch by Atole6 - Itch.io
Im new is this world of pixel art and i woud like to know ur opinion of my work and all advice will be nice thx. Content. Animated torch + GIF(Size 32*32) Animated torch + GIF(Size 64*64) Animated torch + GIF(Size 128*128) You can do: - You can use this asset for personal and commercial purpose. Credit is not required but would be appreciated.
Pixel Art Torch by ollieMarsh - makinggamesinc.itch.io
Get an animated torch and torch without fire. Both aseprite and png sprite sheet.
Pixel Art Tutorials - Lospec
Walkthrough of drawing an animated torch sprite. Browse hundreds more pixel art tutorials in our pixel art tutorials database!