Can a damaged / torn iris be repaired yet? build new or anything?
Aug 12, 2018 · Repair possible: Irises do not spontaneously heal. If torn in a way that the iris looks bad, or admits light in a peculiar way, surgical repair is possible to suture the edges …
can a torn pupil sphincter be repaired? - HealthTap
Dec 4, 2017 · Yes: An eye md evaluation can best elucidate the nature of the injury and wether the risk for repair is outweighed by the benefits. There may also be other concurrent problems …
how long is the healing procss for a torn iris? - HealthTap
May 9, 2013 · Forever: The iris is incapable of repairing itself from a tear or hole. If your eye was traumatized to the extent that the iris was torn re
teen had serious eye injury caused a cataract, torn iris ... - HealthTap
Feb 1, 2020 · Dilated pupil: There are no significant health risks from a dilated pupil You should wear sunglasses that block the harmful sun rays.There i
2 weeks out from cataract surgery. constant eyelid droop
Maybe: A droopy eyelid, or ptosis, after cataract surgery is a risk of the procedure. It usually resolves on its own. However, if it doesn't
Which is more serious injury: a torn patella tendon or a torn acl?
Sep 9, 2017 · A torn acl then it is likely that the torn patella tendon would be considered the worst of the two. A torn patella tendon causes a person to be unable to bear weight or extend the …
Is it normal for my eye pupil to enlarge after eye surgery?
Depends: It depends on what eye surgery you had. Often, the pupil is dilated for the surgery so it may still be enlarged for a period of ti
should my calf hurt if my meniscus is torn? | HealthTap
Sep 29, 2016 · Can a torn meniscus cause pain to radiate? I have arthritis in knee as well. My thigh or the leg above the knee hurts too occasionally when active. I was told I need surgery …
i have a pain in my right eye and it feels like someone is constantly ...
Oct 3, 2016 · See eye doctor: Glaucoma and other bad things can occur to "lazy eyes". Neurologic conditions such as migraine can cause eye pain. But first
Meniscus tear and leg and foot numbness - HealthTap
Daughter 21 yrs old had torn meniscus knee surgery 2 days after surgery the foot&toes r ice cold on the same leg as feeling&movement worry &concerned? A doctor has provided 1 answer A …