Branding for the Field - Trail Life USA
The preferred and primary logo for Trail Life USA is the block logo with the Adventure, Character, Leadership tagline. Troops can also use the Trail Life USA color block logo with their Troop number underneath.
Trail Life USA | Adventure, Character, Leadership
Trail Life USA is a Christ-centered, boy-focused mentoring program that engages boys in service & outdoor adventure to develop godly & courageous leaders.
Brand Permissions Policy - Trail Life USA Store
Only Trail Life USA Troops, Charter Organizations, registered members and those who are in the pre-charter process are permitted to use the trademarked Trail Life USA logo and brands. We have made a document available that outlines materials on which members and the above-mentioned groups are licensed to use the branding.
Trail Life Logo Decal
These are made from high-quality, durable vinyl and include the official Trail Life logo and website. These work great for vehicles and are made to last! Represent Trail Life everywhere you go with these decals.
Press & Media - Trail Life USA
Trail Life USA's Press Page provides branding assets such as logos, images, videos, quotes, news articles and staff bios for the Press and Media.
Trail Life USA Store
Check out The Trail Life Store! You'll find all the Handbooks, Uniforms, Awards, Camping Gear, and much more for your adventure on the Trail Life!
Distinctives - Trail Life USA
Colossians 1:10 “… that you may walk worthy of the Lord, fully pleasing Him, being fruitful in every good work and increasing in the knowledge of God;…”
Program Overview - Trail Life USA
In Trail Life USA, skills universally needed for godly manhood are developed through required Trail Badges as young men earn the ranks of Able Trailman, Ready Trailman, Journey, Ascent, Horizon, and Freedom.
Act Like Men Sticker - Trail Life USA Store
This sticker features Trail Life’s Official Logo and 1 Corinthians 16:13. This verse reinforces Trail Life’s Mission to guide generations of courageous young men to honor God, lead with integrity, serve others, and experience outdoor adventure.
Adventurers Travel Uniform Polo - Trail Life USA Store
This embroidered polo is the official Travel shirt for the Adventurers program and features the Adventurers insignia embroidered on the right sleeve and the Trail Life USA Official Logo on the left chest.