TRIAC - Wikipedia
A TRIAC (triode for alternating current; also bidirectional triode thyristor or bilateral triode thyristor[1]) is a three-terminal electronic component that conducts current in either direction when triggered. The term TRIAC is a genericized trademark.
Tiratricol - Wikipedia
Tiratricol (also known as TRIAC or triiodothyroacetic acid) is a thyroid hormone analogue. Triiodothyroacetic acid is also a physiologic thyroid hormone that is present in the normal organism in low concentrations.
TRIAC: What is it? (Definition, Operation & Applications)
Feb 24, 2012 · What is a Triac? A TRIAC is defined as a three-terminal AC switch that can conduct in both directions, unlike other silicon controlled rectifiers. It can conduct whether the applied gate signal is positive or negative, making it ideal for AC systems.
Triac - Wikipedia
Il Triac è un componente elettronico, di tipo semiconduttore, specificamente progettato per controllare carichi in corrente alternata (dall'inglese triode for alternating current).
TRIAC – Wikipedia
En TRIAC, eller triode for alternating current är en elektronisk komponent uppbyggd av halvledarmaterial med två styrda halvvågslikriktare (tyristorer) förenade i en antiparallellkoppling (parallellkopplade men med polariteten omvänd på den ena) med deras styren ihopkopplade.
Triac Tutorial and Triac Switching Circuits
Aug 14, 2023 · A Triac is a high-speed solid-state device that can switch and control AC power in both directions of a sinusoidal waveform. Both the thyristor and triac can be used to control lamps, motors, or heaters etc.
Triac — Wikipédia
Le triac (de l'anglais triode for alternating current) est un composant électronique équivalent à la mise en parallèle de deux thyristors montés tête-bêche (l'anode de l'un serait reliée à la cathode de l'autre, les gâchettes respectives étant commandées simultanément).
Quadrac - Wikipedia
Triacs are three-terminal, silicon devices that function as two SCRs configured in an inverse, parallel arrangement. They provide load current during both halves of the AC supply voltage. By combining the functions of diacs and triacs, QUADRACs eliminate …
TRIAC – Wikipédia
Triac kapcsolási rajza Triacok. A TRIAC (TRIode for Alternating Current) egy ötrétegű félvezető áramköri elem, amely modellezhető két egymással antiparalel kapcsolt tirisztorral.Váltakozó áramon nagy teljesítményű fogyasztó be- és kikapcsolására használják. A szinuszos jel nullátmenetekor (áramfolyástól mentes pillanat) kikapcsol, így minden periódusban ...
Triac – Wikipedia
Triac ist eine englische Abkürzung für triode for alternating current. Auf Deutsch sind auch die Begriffe Zweirichtungs-Thyristortriode oder Symistor zu finden. Es handelt sich um ein elektronisches Bauteil mit Halbleiterschichtstruktur, das vom Prinzip her eine Antiparallelschaltung von zwei Thyristoren darstellt. Das ermöglicht es, bei ...