TSMP : r/FSAE - Reddit
Jul 17, 2022 · TSMP is basically a wire with one end on TS Pole, other end on properly rated 4mm banana jack and an inline body protection resistor of value, which is dictated directly by the rules. The wire mist be treated as TS (i.e. must have …
EV.6.8 Tractive System Measuring Points - TSMP - Columbia …
EV.6.8 Tractive System Measuring Points - TSMP EV.6.8.1 Two Tractive System Measuring Points (TSMP) must be installed in the vehicle which are: a. Connected to the positive and negative motor controller/inverter supply lines. b. Next to the Master Switches EV.8.10. c. Protected by a nonconductive housing that can be opened without tools. d.
Electrical System Form FSAE-E2018 - Wisconsin Racing
Our battery pack is in 60s10p configuration with total available energy of 6.70 kWh and nominal voltage of 216 VDC. Note: The HVD is the only connector in the HV path. All other connections are done with ring terminals and cable glands for strain relief.
Formula SAE Electric Vehicle Rules - studylib.net
Rules for electric vehicles in Formula SAE competitions, covering definitions, documentation, safety, electrical limits, components, and energy storage.
TSMP body protection resistor value. All wiring protected by overcurrent protection with current rating <= ampacity of wire. Precharge and discharge circuits must not be fused. Maintenance plugs must separate the internal cell stacks. Cell stacks must have a voltage less than 120VDC and a maximum energy of 6MJ.
Charging shutdown and TSMPs + voltage indicator : r/FSAE - Reddit
Jun 2, 2021 · TSMPs are wired to the Accumulator side of Charger AIRs. In 2017, we had had compartment on the charging cart, from where the external cables came and in there, we had extra banana jacks that were used for external TSMPs. We also had a communication cable hooked up between the charging laptop and the accumulator.
EV.5.8 Tractive System Measuring Points - TSMP - Google Sites
The Tractive System Measuring Points (TSMP's) are used to ensure that High V oltage measurements within the Tractive System can be taken in a controlled and safe manner during inspection,...
TSMP Question : r/FSAE - Reddit
Jun 30, 2024 · The TSMPs are mounted on the Sidepanel and not at the battery pack and allow you to measure the Voltage present at the inverters through some series resistors to protect you in case something goes wrong. They are used during the scrutineering for several purposes like testing your IMD with a resistor that connects HV to LV.
FSAE-E2018 Electrical System Form - UW-Madison - studylib.net
Electrical system design document for FSAE-E2018 car E208 from UW-Madison. Covers schematics, safety, accumulator, and motor controller.
SCCA EV draft supplemental rules discussion - DIY Electric Car …
Aug 11, 2023 · one TSMP must be electrically connected to the negative terminal of the motor controller power bus. The TSMPs must be red 4mm shrouded banana jacks, be rated for the nominal Tractive System voltage and be
TSMP ESF Math Question : r/FSAE - Reddit
Nov 30, 2022 · Going through the ESF, noticed they changed the TSMP section math which validates our inputs and I'm confused if they messed up the validation or I am understanding something wrong. Currently we are given a warning for these settings:
EV.8.1 Shutdown Circuit - Columbia University
EV.8.1.4 The AMS, IMD and BSPD must have completely independent circuits to Open the Shutdown Circuit. The respective circuits must be designed such that a failure cannot result in electrical power being fed back into the Shutdown Circuit.
2016_FSAE_Rules - Стр 12 - studfile.net
2016 Formula SAE® Rules – May 11, 2015 EV4.4.5 The TSMPs must be connected to the positive and negative motor controller/inverter supply lines and must be marked HV+ and HV- EV4.4.6 Each TSMP must be secured with a current limiting resistor according to …
TSMP body protection resistor value. All wiring protected by overcurrent protection with current rating <= ampacity of wire. Precharge and discharge circuits must not be fused. Maintenance plugs must separate the internal cell stacks. Cell stacks must have a voltage less than 120VDC and a maximum energy of 6MJ.
2. Connent IMD test box between TSMP and GLVS Ground. 3. IMD must trip in 30 seconds and TS voltage must decrease below 60VDC is 5 sec. Perform Test When charging, the AMS must be live and must be able to turn off the charger in the event that a fault is detected. Set vehicle to charge. Team must demonstrate AMS is active. ACCUMULATOR HV Path ...
TS Voltage Resistor at 1 TSMP Minimum total power rating (short circuit between TS+ and TS-) U max ≤ 200 VDC 5 kΩ 4 W 200 VDC < U max ≤ 400 VDC 10 kΩ 8 W 400 VDC < U max ≤ 600 VDC 15 kΩ 12 W TS Wiring ⃝ All TS wiring and components (including the HVD) has to be in the envelope and behind the impact structures ⃝
What TSMP connectors are you using? : r/FSAE - Reddit
May 19, 2021 · Just looking for a water tight way to mount the TSMPs. Stäubli 23.5140-33 Dust Cap. Stäubli 23.5142-33 Rear Hood. Stäubli 23.3000-22 (red) Stäubli 23.3000-21 (black) 3M 0190030015 (terminal) respectively should get you what you need. we don't run the rear hood because we prefer to heatshrink boot.
IN.4.4 Insulation Monitoring Device Test - fsae…
IN.4.4.1 The Insulation Monitoring Device will be tested by connecting a resistor between the Tractive System Measuring Points (EV.6.8), and several electrically conductive vehicle parts while the Tractive System is active.
What is wrong with TSMP placement on ESF : r/FSAE - Reddit
Jan 20, 2022 · I use FSG rules but I think it means that the resistors must be before the connector so even if the conductors get shorted right at the exit of the connector you have some protection. The first part of the comment is fixed but what does the source end of the wire mean when connecting the TSMP?
EV.6 ENERGY STORAGE - fsae.engineering.columbia.edu
< Previous | Contents | Next >. EV.6 ENERGY STORAGE . EV.6.1 Accumulator EV.6.2 Electrical Configuration EV.6.3 Maintenance Plugs EV.6.4 Accumulator Isolation Relays - AIR EV.6.5 High Voltage Disconnect - HVD EV.6.6 Precharge and Discharge Circuits EV.6.7 Voltage Indicator EV.6.8 Tractive System Measuring Points - TSMP EV.6.9 Connectors