Mount Okmok - Wikipedia
Okmok is a large shield volcano capped by a 10-kilometer (6.2 mi) wide caldera. The caldera contains numerous cinder cones, their lava flows, and a few lakes. Okmok erupts mainly basaltic lava, mostly from the cones within the caldera. Activity began in the Pleistocene.
Alaska Volcano Observatory | Tulik
Tulik. Past Activity Images Maps Bibliography Prepare. Loading Past Activity... Loading Images... Loading Maps... Loading Bibliography... Before an eruption ... Elevated Volcanoes Instrumented Volcanoes Uninstrumented Volcanoes Communities …
Alaska Volcano Observatory | Okmok
Jan 28, 2025 · The deposits, referred to as the Okmok Volcanics (Byers, 1959, p. 314), are mainly thick, non-sorted agglomerate at the caldera rim overlain by ash-flow tuffs, and airfall ash and pumice that cover the flanks of the volcano to the shoreline (unit Qov).
Tulik Volcano - Alaska Guide Co
History of Tulik Volcano. Aleut name published as "Toulikskoi," by Captain Lutke (1836, p. 298), and as "So(pka) Tulikskaya," or "Tilik Volcano," by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 25), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN). the Aleut word "tuliq," which according to R. H. …
Preparing for Volcanic Eruptions at Okmok Volcano, Alaska
Oct 3, 2022 · Looking west from the Bering Pacific Ranch towards Tulik, an older volcanic cone on the southern flank of Okmok. The snow-covered southern rim of the Okmok caldera is visible in the background. Working in the Aleutians in September means colder temperatures but also less fog. Photo: Einat Lev.
Alaska Volcano Observatory | Eruption Details - Cone A 1960/10
A concurrent report in the Anchorage Daily Times on October 17, 1960, states that Reeve Aleutian Airways passengers and crew 'were treated to an unexpected show of fireworks - the eruption of Tulik volcano' on October 15, involving a 'black cloud 9,500 feet …
Tulik Volcano - volcanoes - Alaska Handbook
Tulik Volcano is an Aleut name published as "Toulikskoi," by Captain Lutke (1836, p. 298), and as "So(pka) Tulikskaya," or "Tilik Volcano," by Captain Tebenkov (1852, map 25), Imperial Russian Navy (IRN). the Aleut word "tuliq," which according to R. H. Geohegan means "crack" or "fissure."
Mount Okmok Map - Volcano - Aleutians West, Alaska - Mapcarta
Mount Okmok is a volcano on eastern Umnak Island, in the central-eastern Aleutian Islands of Alaska. Part of the Aleutian Volcanic Arc, it was formed by the subduction of the oceanic Pacific Plate under the North American Plate.
Rheologic and structural controls on the deformation of Okmok volcano …
Feb 27, 2010 · We present an analysis of observed deformation for the 1997 eruption of Okmok volcano using numerical models that simulate the transient response of a volcano deformation system due to magmatic flux from a shallow reservoir.
Tulik Volcano - Alaska - peakery
Hiking info, trail maps, and trip reports from Tulik Volcano (3,471 ft) in Alaska