Box Turtle not eating | Tortoise Forum
Jan 20, 2025 · My turtle im having trouble with isnt a "baby" or hatchling , he is about 4-5 inches in diameter, he is scared of the earthworms and they normally get away before he notices them and he didnt eat cut up worms either, he seems healthy, is active in the mornings , Ive never seen a turtle turn away so many food options
My Turtle Store Scam - Tortoise Forum
Dec 11, 2016 · I've got a red foot tortoise from My Turtle Store website, and it arrived in a bad shape. I contacted them, they don't replay on weekends, and even through the week they rarely reply. I contacted them, they don't replay on weekends, and …
Experience with turtlestore.com - Tortoise Forum
May 5, 2020 · Does anyone have experience with this company and the health of their animals? They say they are different from My Turtle Store which I have seen some unfavorable reviews of on this forum. This tortoise is for my daughter who lost a turtle so we are hoping to get a healthy animal that is older than a baby.
Turtle Decision (New Owner) | Tortoise Forum
Dec 30, 2024 · If you want to observe a turtle and work with the water and filters, then a water turtle would be best. Either type would require a large enclosure, lighting, plants and fresh food daily. You should just research and decide. Please use the forum for information on either type of turtle your family decides on. Paxton on a leash.
Box Turtle Hatchling Care Sheet - Tortoise Forum
Oct 3, 2013 · A single box turtle hatchling should be kept in nothing smaller than a standard sized 10 gallon aquarium; any more turtles than that would obviously need more space. A Rubbermaid bin also works well, especially one with opaque sides to minimize stress on the turtle (from outside motion, light, etc.). Enclosures should be upgraded as the turtle ...
How To Safely Ship A Tortoise Or Turtle
Aug 31, 2007 · Here is a visual guide of how I ship hatchling and yearling tortoises. The small plastic containers I use have holes for breathing. I also make sure they are high enough to allow the tortoise to right itself in the container if the box should end up upside down. For a larger tortoise I would use...
Eastern/Western Box Turtle Hybrids - Tortoise Forum
Jan 1, 2012 · Western Box turtles are composed of the Desert box and the Ornate (also known as western) Box Turtle, while the Eastern Box is comprised of the Eastern, Three Toed, Gulf Coast and Florida Box Turtle. The Western and Eastern Boxies are differant species within the same genus, whom can breed and produce offspring.
Can a female turtle lay eggs without mating? | Tortoise Forum
Jul 13, 2016 · Yes, a female Turtle as well as a female Tortoise can and do lay eggs...just part of their natural function and they do not need to share time with a male to produce eggs....now, there will be no baby turtles from those eggs and more times than not...the female will likely consume those eggs if left access to them...and the number of eggs laid ...
3D-Printed Turtle House - Tortoise Forum
Mar 18, 2010 · Here is the first turtle house I printed for a little boxie. The size is about 5" wide x 4" deep x 3" high. The turtle shelter is placed inside a shoebox-sized plastic container. I try to keep the habitat as simple as possible for the little.
Tortoise & Turtle CPR Guide | Tortoise Forum
Aug 22, 2021 · "What To Do If Your Turtle Can Be Revived? 1) Grasp the turtle’s head behind the ears at the base of the skull and extend the neck completely. 2)Turn it head-down / tail-up and open its mouth. Some water will possibly drip out. 3)After the dripping stops, place the turtle on a flat surface (belly-down) keeping its neck extended.